我也相信,經過一番實驗後,應用程序停止時會發生問題,當您強制停止應用程序或安裝新程序包時會發生此問題。它變得令人難以置信的煩人,因爲每次發生時,我都必須重新啓動或取出電池 - 這可能是一個5分鐘的過程。根本不適合調試。
我上的HTC 4G啓發(2.2)運行此,使用Eclipse(JAVA)等
07-06 19:54:10.334: INFO/ActivityManager(1290): Force stopping package com.*******.*******.controller uid=10149
07-06 19:54:10.341: ERROR/PhoneApp(1446): -- PackageChangeBroadcastReceiver action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED
07-06 19:54:10.441: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Tracked app 3520 died
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS-WRAPPER(1592): rx_data: socket disconnected.
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): detach_client: ######## Detached client subsystem (BTS) fd -1 ########
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): detach_client: @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* (BTS) - close(-1)
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): btl_if_notify_local_event: Notify local event BTLIF_SUBSYSTEM_DETACHED
07-06 19:54:10.441: DEBUG/(1592): btlif_bts_api_ctrl_cb: btlif_bts_api_ctrl_cb : id BTLIF_SUBSYSTEM_DETACHED (4113) on hdl 25
07-06 19:54:10.441: INFO/(1592): btlif_rfc_ctrl_chan_detached: client detached ctrl handle -1
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:48.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 0, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:49.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 0, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:54:53.611: WARN/ResourceType(1794): Failure getting entry for 0x7f090014 (t=8 e=20) in package 0: 0xffffffb5
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:54:59.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:55:00.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): waitForCondition(LockCondition) timed out (identity=68, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): mutex_flags = 4
07-06 19:55:14.641: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1794): [ head= 1, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000000, inUse= 1, identity=68, status=0
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:26.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:27.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): waitForCondition(ReallocateCondition) timed out (identity=71, status=0). CPU may be pegged. trying again.
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): mutex_flags = a0
07-06 19:55:28.621: WARN/SharedBufferStack(1290): [ head= 0, available= 0, queued= 1 ]reallocMask=00000002, inUse= 0, identity=71, status=0
07-06 19:55:44.631: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Already release wake lock for discoverable mode
07-06 19:55:44.631: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Bluetooth state 12 -> 13
07-06 19:55:44.641: DEBUG/BluetoothHandsfree(1446): audioOff(): mPendingSco: false, mScoSocket: , mA2dpState: 0, mA2dpSuspended: false
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (SCO) 0 pbytes (hdl 52)
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(1290): A2DP profile has been disconnected
07-06 19:55:44.641: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (SCO) 0 pbytes (hdl 52)
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: btl_if_close (50)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: [btl_if_close] : (50:50), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (AG) 2 pbytes (hdl 49)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [50] (50:50) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 50 from active list [ad3b32b8]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 50 from active list [ad3b32b8]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): ws_async_del: [ws_async_del] : (-1:-1), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: btl_if_close (51)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): btl_if_close: [btl_if_close] : (51:51), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1446): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_DISCONNECT_REQ (AG) 2 pbytes (hdl 49)
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [51] (51:51) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3b3b18]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3b3b18]
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/WifiService(1290): setWifiEnabled(mAirplaneModeOverwridden=)false
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1446): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:55:45.611: DEBUG/BLZ_WRAPPER(1446): ws_async_del: [ws_async_del] : (-1:-1), disc_pending 0, asnc 0, selct 0, flags 0
07-06 19:55:45.611: INFO/BluetoothHeadsetService(1446): Headset profile has been disconnected
07-06 19:55:45.621: VERBOSE/BluetoothDataGatewayService(1290): #### DataGateway Service Received message ####
07-06 19:55:45.621: INFO/BrcmBtServiceLoader(1290): ***Received Bluetooth UNKNOWN_STATE_CHANGE Event**** : 13
07-06 19:55:45.641: VERBOSE/BtEventReceiver(2047): #### Received Bluetooth State Change Action ####
07-06 19:55:45.641: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 2
07-06 19:55:46.641: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 1
07-06 19:55:52.611: INFO/BluetoothService(1290): Got ACTION_PROFILE_DISCONNECTED, profile = 3
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable: BT_LOCK_MUTEX()
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# BTON_FMOFF_handling
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# BTON_FMOFF_handling : receiving BT_OFF
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# Stopping bluetoothd, try 10 times before giving-up ...
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): ## bluetoothd terminate (15) ##
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): main loop exiting
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): hcid main loop exiting
07-06 19:55:53.621: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1651): dtun_client_stop : iface [DTUN_INTERFACE] stopping...
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): Removing adapter /org/bluez/1651/hci0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): Removing device /org/bluez/1651/hci0/dev_00_06_66_04_11_88
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): btd_device_unref(0xf518): ref=0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): device_free(0xf518)
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): Removing device /org/bluez/1651/hci0/dev_00_1F_E2_DE_87_DD
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/DEVICE(1651): btd_device_unref(0xf7e8): ref=1
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): btd_adapter_unref(0xf180): ref=0
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1651): adapter_free(0xf180)
07-06 19:55:55.631: DEBUG/dhcp_util(1290): dhcp_stop fail. cnt: 1
07-06 19:55:55.631: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): btl_cfg_set_bluetoothd_pid : service.brcm.bt.bluetoothd_pid = 0
07-06 19:55:55.641: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1651): btl_cfg_set_bluetoothd_pid success : service.brcm.bt.bluetoothd_pid = 0, ret = 0
07-06 19:55:56.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$#$# Stopping btld, try 10 times before giving-up ...
07-06 19:55:56.631: DEBUG/WifiStateTracker(1290): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
07-06 19:55:56.711: VERBOSE/BTL_CFG(1592): btl_cfg_get_soft_onoff_enabled : service.brcm.bt.soft_onoff = 0
07-06 19:55:56.711: VERBOSE/BTL_CFG(1592): btl_cfg_get_soft_onoff_enabled : service.brcm.bt.soft_onoff = 0
07-06 19:55:56.711: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): BTL_IF_UnregisterSubSystem: Unregistered subsystem [FM]
07-06 19:55:57.651: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
07-06 19:55:57.651: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): EXTRA_STATE = 13
07-06 19:55:57.651: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-setBluetoothStateInt :13
07-06 19:55:57.661: INFO/BTL-IFS(1592): BTL_IF_ServerShutdown: BTL-IF Server shutting down...
07-06 19:55:59.611: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-getBluetoothState :13
07-06 19:56:00.711: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 6
07-06 19:56:01.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [51,52,53]
07-06 19:56:01.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 51, how 2
07-06 19:56:01.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_wait_response: unblocked fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_poll: set errno 125 (Operation Canceled) l.2029
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_accept:ended poll socket fd:51, ret:-1
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_destroy
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [51,52,53]
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 51, how 2
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 53
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (53)
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 52
07-06 19:56:01.621: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (52)
07-06 19:56:01.621: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 51
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: fd (51:51), bta 0, rc 1, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9049
07-06 19:56:01.631: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): __close_prot_rfcomm: fd 51
07-06 19:56:01.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1939): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_CANCEL (BTS) 8 pbytes (hdl 50)
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [51] (51:51) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3f73ac]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 51 from active list [ad3f73ac]
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_dump_list: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:01.631: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_free: success
07-06 19:56:01.761: INFO/BTL-BTAPP_AV(1592): AV disabled
07-06 19:56:02.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 8
07-06 19:56:02.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): BTA got unregistered event id 12
07-06 19:56:03.641: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [54,55,56]
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 54, how 2
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:03.651: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_wait_response: unblocked fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_poll: set errno 125 (Operation Canceled) l.2029
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_accept:ended poll socket fd:54, ret:-1
07-06 19:56:03.651: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 56
07-06 19:56:03.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:03.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_destroy
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(1939): asocket_abort [54,55,56]
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 54, how 2
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: shutdown socket
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_shutdown: wake up any waiting server threads
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 56
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 56
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (56)
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 55
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: std close (55)
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: s 54
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): blz20_wrp_close: fd (54:54), bta 1, rc 7, wflags 0x20, cflags 0x2, port 9050
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): __close_prot_rfcomm: fd 54
07-06 19:56:04.611: INFO/BTL_IFC(1939): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_BTS_RFC_LISTEN_CANCEL (BTS) 8 pbytes (hdl 50)
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [54] (54:54) [brcm.bt.dtun]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 54 from active list [ad3f7c0c]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: listen socket closed
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wsactive_del: delete wsock 54 from active list [ad3f7c0c]
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(1939): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool
07-06 19:56:04.611: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(1939): btsk_free: success
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:04.661: WARN/BTLD(1592): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
07-06 19:56:16.611: ERROR/bluedroid(1290): btld stop timed out
07-06 19:56:16.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): $#$#$#$# New state is BTOFF_FMOFF_handling
07-06 19:56:16.611: INFO/bluedroid(1290): bt_disable: BT_UNLOCK_MUTEX()
07-06 19:56:23.641: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-getBluetoothState :13
07-06 19:57:23.611: DEBUG/BluetoothService(1290): Bluetooth state 13 -> 10
07-06 19:57:23.631: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
07-06 19:57:24.611: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(1794): EXTRA_STATE = 10
07-06 19:57:24.611: DEBUG/LocalBluetoothManager(1794): sky-setBluetoothStateInt :10
07-06 19:57:24.621: DEBUG/VoldCmdListener(1203): asec list
07-06 19:57:28.631: VERBOSE/BluetoothDataGatewayService(1290): #### DataGateway Service Received message ####
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BrcmBtServiceLoader(1290): ***Received Bluetooth OFF Event****
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): onBluetoothDisabled()
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ***stopService(): Stopping service: bluetooth_ftp***
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_ftp_FTPService.cpp(1290): disableFtpServerNative
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1290): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_FTPS_DISABLE (FTPS) 0 pbytes (hdl 0)
07-06 19:57:28.631: ERROR/BTL_IFC(1290): ##### ERROR : tx_data: write failed (-1)#####
07-06 19:57:28.631: ERROR/BTL_IFC(1290): ##### ERROR : BTL_IFC_CtrlSend: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send failed#####
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_ftp_FTPService.cpp(1290): Unregister Sub system SUB_FTPS
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ***stopService(): Stopping service: bluetooth_pbs***
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): disablePbapServerNative
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BTL_IFC(1290): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFC CTRL] send BTLIF_PBS_DISABLE (PBS) 0 pbytes (hdl 147)
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): Send Disable Command Successfully
07-06 19:57:28.631: DEBUG/com_broadcom_bt_service_pbap_PBAPService.cpp(1290): Unregister Sub system SUB_PBS
07-06 19:57:28.631: INFO/BluetoothPBAPService(1290): onPbapDisabled
07-06 19:57:35.641: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): ServiceStateChanged: bluetooth_pbs, 1
07-06 19:57:35.641: DEBUG/BluetoothServiceManager(1290): Finishing service bluetooth_pbs