/* Data structures model */
typedef int data_type;
typedef struct avlnode {
data_type data;
int height;
struct avlnode *lchild;
struct avlnode *rchild;
} AvlNode;
typedef AvlNode AvlTree;
/* Function Prototypes including init, find(custom/min/max) and insert */
AvlTree *AVL_create(data_type value);
AvlNode *AVL_find(AvlTree *tree, data_type value);
AvlNode *AVL_find_min(AvlTree *tree);
AvlTree *AVL_find_max(AvlTree *tree);
AvlTree *AVL_insert(AvlTree *tree, data_type value);
#define MAX_HEIGHT(x,y) (x > y) ? x : y
/* Static function to get the height of a node in the tree */
static int height(AvlNode *node) {
return (node == NULL) ? -1 : node->height;
/* Tree init func with a valued root node */
AvlTree *AVL_create(data_type value) {
AvlTree *newtree;
newtree = (AvlTree *)malloc(sizeof(AvlTree));
if (newtree == NULL)
return NULL;
newtree->lchild = NULL;
newtree->rchild = NULL;
newtree->height = 0;
newtree->data = value;
return newtree;
/* Node search functions. In fact I use BST search functions here */
/* I'm not sure could them run well here in AVL tree */
AvlNode *AVL_find(AvlTree *tree, data_type value) {
AvlTree *temptree = tree;
if (temptree == NULL)
return NULL;
if (value < temptree->data)
return AVL_find(tree->lchild, value);
else if (value > temptree->data)
return AVL_find(tree->rchild, value);
return temptree;
AvlNode *AVL_find_min(AvlTree *tree) {
AvlTree *temptree = tree;
if (temptree != NULL) {
while (temptree->lchild != NULL)
temptree = temptree->lchild;
return temptree;
AvlTree *AVL_find_max(AvlTree *tree) {
AvlTree *temptree = tree;
if (temptree != NULL) {
while (temptree->rchild != NULL)
temptree = temptree->rchild;
return temptree;
AvlTree *AVL_insert(AvlTree *tree, data_type value) {
AvlTree *temptree = tree;
if (temptree == NULL) {
temptree = (AvlNode *)malloc(sizeof(AvlNode));
if (temptree == NULL)
return NULL;
else {
temptree->data = value;
temptree->height = 0;
temptree->lchild = NULL;
temptree->rchild = NULL;
else if (value < temptree->data) {
temptree->lchild = AVL_insert(temptree->lchild, value);
if (height(temptree->lchild) - height(temptree->rchild) == 2) {
if (value < temptree->lchild->data)
temptree = single_rotate_with_left(temptree);
temptree = double_rotate_with_right_left(temptree);
else if (value > temptree->data) {
temptree->rchild = AVL_insert(temptree->rchild, value);
if (height(temptree->rchild) - height(temptree->lchild) == 2) {
if (value > temptree->rchild->data)
temptree = single_rotate_with_right(temptree);
temptree = double_rotate_with_left_right(temptree);
temptree->height = MAX_HEIGHT(height(temptree->lchild), height(temptree->rchild)) + 1;
return temptree;
#include "AVLTree.h"
int main() {
AvlTree *newtree = AVL_create(50);
AVL_insert(newtree, 70);
AVL_insert(newtree, 80);
AVL_insert(newtree, 90);
for (int i = -5; i < 20; i++) {
AVL_insert(newtree, i * i * i);
printf("root node: %d\n", newtree->data);
printf("left of root node: %d\n", newtree->lchild->data);
printf("findmin: %d\n", AVL_find_min(newtree)->data);
printf("findmax: %d\n", AVL_find_max(newtree)->data);
return 0;
對不起,我正忙着爲我的中期準備。然後我重寫函數,然後運行良好。感謝您的幫助。 – rancher 2014-11-09 06:13:17
當然!請接受答案,以便列表中未顯示問題。 – 2014-11-09 08:40:10