2015-12-12 86 views

我正在學習AVL樹,這讓我覺得很不舒服,但我無法讓它正常工作。在AVL BST中插入

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

#define LEFT -1 
#define BAL 0 
#define RIGHT 1 

typedef int Key; 
typedef void * Info; 

struct avltree { 
     int bal; 
     Key key; 
     Info info; 
     struct avltree *left, *right; 

typedef struct avltree *BTree; 

BTree newBTree (Key k, Info i, BTree l, BTree r) { 
     BTree n; 

     n = (BTree) malloc (sizeof (struct avltree)); 
     if (n) { 
       n->key = k; 
       n->info = i; 
       n->bal = BAL; 
       n->left = l; 
       n->right = r; 
     return n; 
BTree fixLeft (BTree a); 
BTree fixRight (BTree a); 
BTree addAux (BTree a, Key k, Info i); 

BTree rotateLeft (BTree a) { 
     BTree b = a->right; 
     a->right = b->left; 
     b->left = a; 
     return b; 

BTree rotateRight (BTree a) { 
     BTree b = a->left; 
     a->left = b->right; 
     b->right = a; 
     return b; 

BTree add (BTree a, Key k, Info i) { 

     return (addAux (a,k,i)); 

int max (int x, int y){ 
     int m = x>y ? x : y; 

     return m; 

int height(BTree t){ 
       return 0; 

     int m = max(height(t->left), height(t->right)) + 1; 

     return m; 

BTree addAux (BTree a, Key k, Info i) { 
     if (a == NULL) { 
       a = newBTree (k,i,NULL,NULL); 
       a->bal = BAL; 

     } else if (a->key > k) { 
       a->left = addAux (a->left,k,i); 

           //once a->left gets his value, bellow i will compare 
           //the size of both left and right subtrees 

       int l = height(a->left); 
       int r = height(a->right); 

           //If the left one is bigger by just one unit , is ok 
           //as it gets a mark saying the left side is heavier 
           //and otherwise if it's bigger on the right 

       if(l-r == 1){ 
           a->bal = LEFT; 
       }else if(l-r == -1){ 
           a->bal = RIGHT; 

           //Here i tell that if the left side has a heavy-factor of 2 
           //i get it fixed by calling fixLeft 

       else if(l-r > 1){ 
           a->bal = LEFT; 
       }else if(l-r < -1){ 
           a->bal = RIGHT; 

           //And vice-versa on this else 

     } else { // (a->key < k) 
       a->right = addAux (a->right,k,i); 
       int l = height(a->left); 
       int r = height(a->right); 

       if(l-r == 1){ 
           a->bal = LEFT; 
       }else if(l-r == -1){ 
           a->bal = RIGHT; 

       else if(l-r > 1){ 
           a->bal = LEFT; 
       }else if(l-r < -1){ 
           a->bal = RIGHT; 

       return a; 

BTree fixLeft (BTree a) { 
     if (a->left->bal == LEFT) { 
       a = rotateRight (a); 
       a->bal = a->right->bal = BAL; 
     else { 
       a->left = rotateLeft(a->left); 
       a = rotateRight (a); 
       a->bal = a->right->bal = BAL; 
     return a; 

BTree fixRight (BTree a) { 
     if (a->right->bal == RIGHT) { 
       a = rotateLeft (a); 
       a->bal = a->left->bal = BAL; 
     else { 
       a->right = rotateRight(a->right); 
       a = rotateLeft (a); 
       a->bal = a->left->bal = a->right->bal = BAL; 
     return a; 

void dumpKeys (BTree a, int level){ 
     int l; 
     if (a) { 
       dumpKeys (a->right, level+1); 
       for (l=0;l<level;l++) printf ("%5c",' '); 
       printf ("%5d\n", a->key); 
      dumpKeys (a->left, level+1); 

int main(){ 
     BTree a = NULL; 


     dumpKeys (a,0); 
     return 0; 






你是什麼意思_but我無法得到它的工作properly_是什麼意思? – pzaenger


1)這看起來像C.爲什麼添加C++標記?不要爲無關語言添加標籤。如果有疑問,請將標記用於編譯的語言。 2)TL; DR。提供[mcve],學習[問]。 「不起作用」不是**特定的**問題陳述。 – Olaf


當您使用調試器時,哪個語句導致問題?該聲明中變量的值是什麼? –






    else if(l-r > 1){ 
      a->bal = LEFT; 
      a = fixLeft(a); //HERE 
    }else if(l-r < -1){ 
      a->bal = RIGHT; 
      a = fixRight(a); //HERE 