2012-05-26 120 views

我使用此插件http://www.erichynds.com/examples/jquery-ui-multiselect-widget/demos/#single進行多選,並且希望單選也在同一頁面中。 基本上我有2選擇 - 一個是多個另一個是單身,但我想他們都一樣。 所以我嘗試:jquery ui multiselect無法使用多個+單選

<script type="text/javascript"> 
      multiple: false, 
      header: "Select an option", 
      noneSelectedText: "Select an Option", 
      selectedList: 1 



<select name="123_cat[]" id = "ceva" multiple="multiple" size="5"> 
    <?php foreach($subcategories['categories'] as $sc) { ?> 
    <optgroup label="<?php echo $sc['name']; ?>"> 
    <?php foreach ($sc['subcategories'] as $ss){?>        
      <option id = "123_cat" value="<?php echo $ss['sid']; ?>" <?php if (isset($_GET['123_cat'])) { if(in_array($ss['sid'], $_GET['123_cat'])) echo "selected = 'selected'";} else { if(in_array($ss['sid'], $the_subcategories)) echo "selected = 'selected'"; } ?>><?php echo $ss['name']; ?></option> 
     <?php }?> 

<label for="oras">Oras</label> 
     <select name="123_city" id = "altceva">  
      <?php foreach($ac as $rc) {?> 
      <option id = "123_city" value="<?php echo $rc['slug']; ?>" <?php if   (isset($_GET['123_city'])) { if ($rc['slug'] == $_GET['123_city']) echo 'selected = "selected"';} else { if ($rc['slug'] == $my_data->city) echo 'selected = "selected"';} ?>>   <?php echo $rc['name']; ?> </option> 
     <?php } ?> 


問題是多選的作品,但單選擇不會在所有的工作(我不能選擇任何東西,列表會下降,但沒有選擇)。 有什麼想法爲什麼?非常感謝。


您是否在控制檯中看到任何錯誤?你能否也請發佈'#ceva'選擇的HTML。 –


我編輯了問題加入選擇 – dana


解決了它!在這個插件中,單選是單選按鈕而不是複選框。我會立即張貼答案,以防萬一其他面臨這個問題:) – dana


altceva should be the id of multiselect dropdown and ceva should be the id of single dropdown.... Go for the below code...:) 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
      multiple: true, 
      header: false, 
      noneSelectedText: "Select an Option", 
      selectedList: 1 

      multiple: false, 
      header: false, 
      noneSelectedText: "Select an Option", 
      selectedList: 1 