2011-04-22 76 views

我的問題可能不是很清楚,但我只是想知道如何調用此過程或創建類似的引用,所以我可以自己調查(但如果你有代碼是歡迎.. LOL ...)創建一個服務來執行一個屏幕後,在不同的EXE(VB.NET)打開一個屏幕









Option Strict On 
Option Explicit On 

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices 
Imports System.Text 

Public Class Unmanaged 
    Public Shared Function EnumWindows(ByVal lpEnumFunc As CallBack, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean 
    End Function 
    <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> 
    Public Shared Function GetWindowLong(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer 
    End Function 
    <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _ 
    Public Shared Function GetWindowText(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal lpString As StringBuilder, ByVal cch As Integer) As Integer 
    End Function 
    <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _ 
    Public Shared Function IsWindowVisible(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean 
    End Function 

    Public Const SW_SHOW = 5 
    Public Const SW_RESTORE = 9 
    Public Const GW_OWNER = 4 
    Public Const GWL_HWNDPARENT = (-8) 
    Public Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) 
    Public Const WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = &H80 
    Public Const WS_EX_APPWINDOW = &H40000 

    Public Delegate Function CallBack(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Boolean 
End Class 


Option Explicit On 
Option Strict On 

Module Module1 
    ''//Code loosely base on http://msdntracker.blogspot.com/2008/03/list-currently-opened-windows-with.html 

    ''//This is the title of the window that we are looking for 
    Public ReadOnly WatchForTitle As String = "About Mozilla Firefox" 

    ''//This is the form that we will show when we find the above 
    Private MainForm As Form1 

    Public Sub Main() 
     ''//Create the form but don not show it 
     MainForm = New Form1() 

     ''//Create an infinite loop that checks to see if the target window is open and sleeps for a bit between checks 
     Do While True 
      Unmanaged.EnumWindows(AddressOf fEnumWindowsCallBack, IntPtr.Zero) 
      ''//Sleep for a bit 
    End Sub 

    Private Function fEnumWindowsCallBack(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Boolean 
     ''//Ignore our own handle 
     If hwnd <> Form1.Handle Then 
      ''//Make sure its visible 
      If Unmanaged.IsWindowVisible(hwnd) Then 
       Dim lExStyle = Unmanaged.GetWindowLong(hwnd, Unmanaged.GWL_EXSTYLE) 

       ''//We probably want to ignore tool windows, but remove this if needed 
       If (((lExStyle And Unmanaged.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) = 0)) Then 

        ''//Create a buffer to store the title of the window 
        Dim sWindowText As New System.Text.StringBuilder(256) 

        ''//Get the title of the window 
        Dim lReturn = Unmanaged.GetWindowText(hwnd, sWindowText, sWindowText.Length - 1) 

        ''//When you are looking for window title uncomment this line 

        ''//Sanity check, make sure we found a window title 
        If lReturn <> 0 Then 
         ''//See if it matches what we are looking for 
         If sWindowText.ToString() = WatchForTitle Then 
          ''//If so, show our form 
         End If 
        End If 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 
     fEnumWindowsCallBack = True 
    End Function 
End Module 


如果你測試這個它會彈出,如果你去到Firefox的幫助 - >關於菜單打開窗體。



+1,很好的答案。該OP也將需要的東西,以確保他們不會繼續顯示在對話框中一遍又一遍,而觸發窗口是可見的(這是我打擾張貼我的答案,你給了一個更詳細的一個之後的唯一原因).. 。 – forsvarir 2011-04-22 20:37:01


@forsvarir,我使用'ShowDialoag'該塊,直到窗口駁回 – 2011-04-22 20:43:34


非常感謝您!這是很棒的代碼。它爲我提供了我所需要的快速啓動。再次,謝謝! – chupeman 2011-04-26 15:49:07



你最好打賭就是看一些WIN32 API調用。例如,您可以使用GetPixel()將顏色返回到屏幕上的特定位置。因此,如果程序A顯示特定的圖像或屏幕與任何其他屏幕顯着不同,您可以編寫監視屏幕並檢查匹配的代碼。當發現匹配時,可以執行任何你想要的代碼,包括推出B.
