@wimalopaan你看了max66' answer還是你找到了你的想法的另一個解決方案?我試圖通過索引映射連接輸入和輸出來解決問題。但是,這比我預期的要複雜得多。以下是我如何建立索引映射:
using Tree = std::tuple<
IndexNode<4>{1, 2, 3, 7},// 0
A, // 1
B, // 2
IndexNode<2>{4, 5}, // 3
C, // 4
IndexNode<1>{6}, // 5
D, // 6
E // 7
Node(/* 1, 2, 3, 7 */ // 0, Vals<>
A{}, // 1, Vals<0>
B{}, // 2, Vals<1>
Node(/* 4, 5 */ // 3, Vals<2>
C{}, // 4, Vals<2, 0>
Node(/* 6 */ // 5, Vals<2, 1>
D{} // 6, Vals<2, 1, 0>
E{} // 7, Vals<3>
中的索引,指定「包含其子節點的節點所消耗的輸出索引的數量」是有用的。在max66's answer這叫做cntT
template<class> struct Type {};// helper to pass a type by value (for overloading)
template<class Terminal>
size_t rank_of(Type<Terminal>) {// break depth recursion for terminal node
return 1;
template<class... Children>
size_t rank_of(Type<Node<Children...>>) {// continue recursion for non-terminal node
return (
1 +// count enclosing non-terminal node
... + rank_of(Type<Children>{})
#include "indexer.hpp"// helper for the "indices trick"
#include "merge.hpp"// tuple_cat for types
#include "types.hpp"// template<class...> struct Types {};
#include "vals.hpp"// helper wrapped around std::integer_sequence
template<class Terminal, class ParentInds=Vals<>>
auto indices_of(
Type<Terminal>,// break depth recursion for terminal node
ParentInds = ParentInds{}
) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
return Types<ParentInds>{};// wrap in Types<...> for simple merging
template<class... Children, class ParentInds=Vals<>>
auto indices_of(
Type<Node<Children...>>,// continue recursion for non-terminal node
ParentInds parent_inds = ParentInds{}
) {
return indexer<Children...>([&] (auto... child_inds) {
return merge(
Types<ParentInds>{},// indices for enclosing non-terminal node
auto indices_of(Type<Terminal>, ParentInds) [with Terminal = E; ParentInds = Vals<3>]
auto indices_of(Type<Terminal>, ParentInds) [with Terminal = D; ParentInds = Vals<2, 1, 0>]
auto indices_of(Type<Terminal>, ParentInds) [with Terminal = C; ParentInds = Vals<2, 0>]
auto indices_of(Type<Terminal>, ParentInds) [with Terminal = B; ParentInds = Vals<1>]
auto indices_of(Type<Terminal>, ParentInds) [with Terminal = A; ParentInds = Vals<0>]
template<class T>
constexpr auto transform(const T& t) {
Node<A, B, Node<C, Node<D> >, E>
auto inds = indices_of(Type<T>{});
Vals<2, 0>,
Vals<2, 1>,
Vals<2, 1, 0>,
return indexer(inds.size, [&] (auto... is) {// `is` are the tuple's output inds
return std::make_tuple(// becomes the final output tuple
inds.construct_type_at(is),// multiindex `Vals<...>{}` for each tuple element
t,// input tree
is.next()// used by each `IndexNode`: offset for its index computation
這裏是一個完整(希望無缺陷的)工作例子(online demo):
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <numeric>
template<size_t i>
struct Val : std::integral_constant<size_t, i> {
template<size_t dist=1>
constexpr auto next(Val<dist> = {}) {
return Val<i+dist>{};
template<size_t... is>
struct Vals {
template<size_t i>
constexpr auto append(Val<i>) {
return Vals<is..., i>{};
template<size_t i0, size_t... is>
constexpr auto front(Vals<i0, is...>) { return Val<i0>{}; }
template<size_t i0, size_t... is>
constexpr auto pop_front(Vals<i0, is...>) { return Vals<is...>{}; }
template<class> struct Type {};
template<class... Ts>
struct Types {
static constexpr auto size = Val<sizeof...(Ts)>{};
template<std::size_t i, class... Args>
constexpr auto construct_type_at(Val<i>, Args&&... args) {
using Ret = std::tuple_element_t<i, std::tuple<Ts...>>;
return Ret(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<std::size_t... is, class F>
constexpr decltype(auto) indexer_impl(std::index_sequence<is...>, F f) {
return f(Val<is>{}...);
template<class... Ts, class F>
constexpr decltype(auto) indexer(F f) {
return indexer_impl(std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, f);
template<size_t N, class F>
constexpr decltype(auto) indexer(std::integral_constant<size_t, N>, F f) {
return indexer_impl(std::make_index_sequence<N>{}, f);
template<class... Ts>
auto merge(Types<Ts...> done) {
return done;
template<class... Ts, class... Us, class... Vs>
auto merge(Types<Ts...>, Types<Us...>, Vs...) {
// TODO: if desired, switch to logarithmic recursion
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/46934308/2615118
return merge(Types<Ts..., Us...>{}, Vs{}...);
struct TerminalNode { const char* msg{""}; };// JUST FOR DEBUG
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TerminalNode& tn) {
return os << tn.msg << std::endl;// JUST FOR DEBUG
struct A : TerminalNode {};// INHERITANCE JUST FOR DEBUG
struct B : TerminalNode {};
struct C : TerminalNode {};
struct D : TerminalNode {};
struct E : TerminalNode {};
template<typename... T>
struct Node {
constexpr Node(const T&... n) : mChildren{n...} {}
std::tuple<T...> mChildren;
template<size_t N>
struct IndexNode {
std::array<size_t, N> mChildren;
constexpr IndexNode(std::array<size_t, N> arr) : mChildren(arr) {}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IndexNode& self) {
for(auto r : self.mChildren) os << r << ", ";// JUST FOR DEBUG
return os << "\n";
template<class Terminal>
size_t rank_of(
Type<Terminal>// break depth recursion for terminal node
) {
return 1;
template<class... Children>
size_t rank_of(
Type<Node<Children...>>// continue recursion for non-terminal node
) {
return (
1 +// count enclosing non-terminal node
... + rank_of(Type<Children>{})
template<class Terminal, class ParentInds=Vals<>>
auto indices_of(
Type<Terminal>,// break depth recursion for terminal node
ParentInds = ParentInds{}
) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
return Types<ParentInds>{};// wrap in Types<...> for simple merging
template<class... Children, class ParentInds=Vals<>>
auto indices_of(
Type<Node<Children...>>,// continue recursion for non-terminal node
ParentInds parent_inds = ParentInds{}
) {
return indexer<Children...>([&] (auto... child_inds) {
return merge(
Types<ParentInds>{},// indices for enclosing non-terminal node
template<class It, class T>
constexpr It exclusive_scan(It first, It last, It out, T init) {
for(auto it=first; it!=last; ++it) {
auto in = *it;
*out++ = init;
init += in;
return out;
template<size_t... child_inds, class Terminal, class Offset>
constexpr decltype(auto) transform_at(
Vals<child_inds...> inds,
const Terminal& terminal,
) {
static_assert(0 == sizeof...(child_inds));
return terminal;
template<size_t... child_inds, class... Children, class Offset>
constexpr decltype(auto) transform_at(
Vals<child_inds...> inds,
const Node<Children...>& node,
Offset offset = Offset{}
) {
if constexpr(0 == sizeof...(child_inds)) {// the IndexNode is desired
auto ranks = std::array{rank_of(Type<Children>{})...};
exclusive_scan(std::begin(ranks), std::end(ranks), std::begin(ranks), 0);
auto add_offset = [] (size_t& i) { i += Offset{}; };
std::for_each(std::begin(ranks), std::end(ranks), add_offset);
return IndexNode{ranks};
else {// some child of this enclosing node is desired
return transform_at(
template<class T>
constexpr auto transform(const T& t) {
auto inds = indices_of(Type<T>{});
return indexer(inds.size, [&] (auto... is) {// is are the tuple output inds
return std::make_tuple(// becomes the final output tuple
inds.construct_type_at(is),// multiindex for each tuple element
t,// input tree
is.next()// used by each `IndexNode`: offset for its index computation
int main() {
auto tree = []() {
auto t = Node( // 0, Val<>
A{"FROM A"}, // 1, Val<0>
B{"FROM B"}, // 2, Val<1>
Node( // 3, Val<2>
C{"FROM C"}, // 4, Val<2, 0>
Node( // 5, Val<2, 1>
D{"FROM D"} // 6, Val<2, 1, 0>
E{"FROM E"} // 7, Val<3>
return transform(t);
using Tree = decltype(tree);
indexer(std::tuple_size<Tree>{}, [&] (auto... is) {
(std::cout << ... << std::get<is>(tree));
return 0;
你能解釋一下什麼是實際產生的元組應該是什麼?什麼是索引節點,它們的數量等等。我不知道你是如何得到這個元組的't'。 – Barry
在上面的例子中存在8個節點,5個終端和3個非終端。在轉換之後,非終端應該由包含他們的孩子的索引的IndexNode來表示。應該將終端節點複製到元組中:將它們的結果索引用於非終端。 – wimalopaan
@VittorioRomeo;我看不到'std :: variant'如何發揮作用? – wimalopaan