2012-11-27 37 views




#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

bool leapYear(int); 
bool isDateValid(int, int, int); 

int main() 
int month, day, year; 

cout << "Is the date you are thinking of a magic one? Let's see...\n"; 
cout << "What is the month in numeric form only? "; cin >> month; 
cout << "What is the day of the month? "; cin >> day; 
cout << "What is the four digit year? "; cin >> year; 

if (isDateValid(month, day, year) == false) 
cout << "The date you entered, "<< month << "/" << day << "/" << 
year << " is NOT a VALID Date.\n"; 
cout << "If you think I am wrong, please feel free to run me again"; 

else if (month * day == year % 100) // if true then do this 
cout << "The date you entered, " << 
month << "/" << day << "/" << year << " is a magic date!!\n"; 
else // if false then do this 
cout << "The date you entered, " << month << "/" << day << "/" << 
year << " is NOT a magic date!!\n"; 

                  //Program ID 
cout <<"\n" << "L5P1LB.cpp\n" << "11-26-12\n" << endl; 
system ("pause"); 
return 0; 
}//end main 

// isDateValid function to validate date entered 
bool isDateValid(int month, int day, int year) 
bool validation = true; 
if(!(year >= 1600 && year <=2100)) 
    validation = false;  
    if ((month == 2) && (day > 29)) 
     validation = false; 
else if(!leapYear(year)) 
     if ((month == 2) && (day > 28)) 
      validation = false; 
if((month < 1 && month > 12) || (day < 1)) 
    validation = false; 
if((month == 1) || (month ==3) || (month == 5) || (month == 7) || 
    (month == 8) || (month == 10) || (month == 12) && (day > 31)) 
    validation = false; 
else if (((month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) && 
     (day > 30)) 
     validation = false; 
     validation == true; 
return validation; 
// leapYear function to determine if the year is a leap year for validation 
bool leapYear(int year) 
return(year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0) || (year % 400 == 0); 
} // end leapYear 




Description: This program determines if when the user enters a month, 
day, and four digit year which will then be stripped down to its 
two digit year and determined to be a magic date if the day entered 
multiplied by the month entered equals the years two digit format. 
    begin main 
     input data 
      Ask user for a month in number form 
      Ask user for a day of the month 
      Ask user for four digit month 
      begin isDateValid 
       if year is between 1600 and 2100, inclusive then return 
       if month is between 1 and 12, inclusive return true 
       if month is Jan, Mar, May, July, Aug, Oct, Dec 
        then if day is between 1 and 31 inclusive return true 
       if month is Apr, June, Sept, Nov 
        then if day is between 1 and 30 inclusive return true 
       if month is Feb 
        then determine if leap year by running function 
        leapYear provided for us. 
        if leap year is true 
        then if day is between 1 and 29, inclusive return true 
        if not leap year then if day is between 1 and 28, 
        inclusive then return true 
      end isDateValid 
     if isDateValid is true then 
      if the month times the year is equal to the year modulus 100 
      then output it is a magic date 
      if it does not equal the year in 2 digit form 
      then output that it is not a magic date  
     else output error message 

     Output Program ID 
    end main 

    The output needs to include the books data of 6/10/1960 */ 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

bool leapYear(int); 
bool isDateValid(int, int, int); 

int main() 
    int month, day, year; 

    cout << "Is the date you are thinking of a magic one? Let's see...\n"; 
    cout << "What is the month in numeric form only? "; cin >> month; 
    cout << "What is the day of the month? "; cin >> day; 
    cout << "What is the four digit year? "; cin >> year; 

if (isDateValid(month, day, year) == false) 
    cout << "The date you entered, "<< month << "/" << day << "/" << 
     year << " is NOT a VALID Date.\n"; 
    cout << "If you think I am wrong, please feel free to run me again"; 

else if (month * day == year % 100) // if true then do this 
    cout << "The date you entered, " << 
     month << "/" << day << "/" << year << " is a magic date!!\n"; 
else // if false then do this 
    cout << "The date you entered, " << month << "/" << day << "/" << 
     year << " is NOT a magic date!!\n"; 

                  //Program ID 
cout <<"\n" << "L5P1LB.cpp\n" << "11-26-12\n" << endl; 
system ("pause"); 
return 0; 
} //end main 

// isDateValid function to validate date entered 
bool isDateValid(int month, int day, int year) 
    bool validation = true; // validation set to true 
    // if it is not between 1600 and 2100 then set to false 
    if(!(year >= 1600 && year <=2100)) 
     validation = false; 
    // call leapYear function 
    // if February and day is greater than 29 then set to false 
    if ((month == 2) && (day > 29)) 
     validation = false; 
    // else if NOT leapYear 
    else if(!leapYear(year)) 
    // if February and day is greater then 28 then set to false 
    if ((month == 2) && (day > 28)) 
      validation = false; 
    // if month is less then 1 and over 12 then set to false 
    if((month < 1 && month > 12)) 
      validation = false; 
    // if day is less then 1 then set to false  
    if(day < 1)  
      validation = false; 
    // if month is 1 (Jan), 3 (Mar), 5 (May), 7 (July), 8 (Aug), 10 (Oct), 
    // or 12 (Dec) and day is greater then 31 set to false  
    if((month == 1) || (month ==3) || (month == 5) || (month == 7) || 
     (month == 8) || (month == 10) || (month == 12) && (day > 31)) 
     validation = false; 
    // if month is 4 (Apr), 6 (June), 9 (Sept), or 11 (Nov) and day is 
    // greater then 30 set to false 
    if (((month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) && 
     (day > 30)) 
     validation = false; 
    // else everything that is left set validation to true 
     validation = true; 
return validation; 
} // End isDateValid 

// leapYear function to determine if the year is a leap year for validation 
bool leapYear(int year) 
    return(year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0) || (year % 400 == 0); 
} // end leapYear 




你能解決您的代碼的縮進?這很難讀 – emartel


一個顯而易見的事情是聲明'validation == true;'是'=='而不是'='。 – Naveen


這不是錯誤,但是在這一行上:'validation == true;'你可能意味着'validation = true;'但是,你應該刪除它和上面的'else',或者你將要如果最終測試(月份中的天數)超過,則始終將驗證設置爲true。爲了找到實際的錯誤,我建議一次一個地評論每個驗證步驟,以查看哪個導致問題。 – whamma





  • 您測試month < 1 && month > 12 - 這是不可能的,一個月不能小於1且大於12
  • validation == true沒有做任何事情。 ==是一個比較運算符。幸運的是,這並沒有影響你的功能,因爲validation已經達到這個代碼true


bool isDateValid(int month, int day, int year) 
    bool validation = true; 
    if(!(year >= 1600 && year <=2100)) 
     validation = false;  

    if(day < 1) 
     validation = false; 

    case 2: 
     if(leapYear(year)) // We only care about leap years in February 
      if(day > 29) 
       validation = false; 
      if(day > 28) 
       validation = false; 
    case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: 
     if(day > 31) 
      validation = false; 
    case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: 
     if(day > 30) 
      validation = false; 
    default: // the month is not between 1 and 12 
     validation = false; 
    return validation; 

其實我的老師最後得出了同樣的結論,因爲我剛纔看到你的帖子。不過,我想表示非常感謝您花時間爲我清理它。我知道有一種更清晰的方式來寫我正在做的事情,但我不確定最好的方法是什麼。雖然我不會用它來完成這項任務,但我真的希望你知道它有多大幫助我更好地寫作,並且你的努力不是徒勞。我確信這聽起來非常可靠,但意識到我非常感謝你花時間幫助我,並且真正教會了我什麼。謝謝!! –


很高興幫助!這就是爲什麼這個社區在附近!隨意問任何問題,如果版主不喜歡它,你會很快知道如果它的簡單問題,請隨時直接與我聯繫 – emartel


||是短路,所以(month == 1) || (month ==3) || (month == 5) || (month == 7) || (month == 8) || (month == 10) || (month == 12) && (day > 31)評估爲true如果滿足第一個條件。您需要添加括號的額外集:

((month == 1) || (month ==3) || (month == 5) || (month == 7) || (month == 8) || (month == 10) || (month == 12)) && (day > 31)



validation == true; 

是一個空操作,你可能是指validation = true


+1 - 雖然它不是短路,這是問題......只是'&&'的優先級不低於'||'。即使堅持使用結構化編程方法,驗證的初始化爲true也應該移除「validation == true」。 –


首先非常感謝你的幫助。好吧,所以我重寫了代碼以排除最後的else語句,並採用了驗證=真正的部分,並且似乎除了與一個月有關的任何事情之外,我對所有內容都進行了驗證!任何其他建議? –



bool isDateValid(int month, int day, int year) 
    return year >= 1600 && year<= 2100 && 
      month >= 1 && month <= 12 && 
      day >= 1 && 
      day <= (month == 2 ? (leapyear(year) ? 29 : 28) : 
        month == 9 || month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 11 ? 30 : 31); 
        // "30 days has September, April, June and November..." 


enum Month { Jan = 1, Feb, Mar, Apr ... }; 


day <= (month == Feb ? ...