這是我的SQL語句。它不工作。SQL Update語句,需要幫助將值傳遞給子查詢
UPDATE dbo.Smoothie
SET TotalCalories = (SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN (Unit = 2) THEN f.Energ_Kcal * f.GmWt_2 * si.Quantity/100
ELSE f.Energ_Kcal * f.GmWt_1 * si.Quantity/100
END) AS calories
FROM dbo.SmoothieIngredients AS si
INNER JOIN dbo.FoodAbbrev AS f ON si.FoodId = f.Id
WHERE si.SmoothieId = SmoothieId ---> i want to pass the SmoothieId from the main update statement to the subquery.
UPDATE dbo.Smoothie as S2
SET S2.TotalCalories = (SELECT
SUM(CASE WHEN (Unit = 2) THEN f.Energ_Kcal * f.GmWt_2 * si.Quantity/100
ELSE f.Energ_Kcal * f.GmWt_1 * si.Quantity/100
END) AS calories
FROM dbo.SmoothieIngredients AS si
INNER JOIN dbo.FoodAbbrev AS f ON si.FoodId = f.Id
WHERE si.SmoothieId = S2.SmoothieId)