2015-09-24 92 views

我正在使用boost :: fibonacci_heap庫實現快速前進算法,並且我正在開始使用其句柄操作元素。爲什麼我可以更新boost :: fibonacci_heap中的彈出元素?





# include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp> 
# include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 
using namespace boost::heap; 

struct node 
    int index; 
    double time; 

    node(const int& i, double t) : index(i), time(t) {} 

struct compare_node 
    bool operator()(const node& n1, const node& n2) const 
    return (n1.time > n2.time); 

int main() 
    fibonacci_heap< node, compare<compare_node> > heap; 
    typedef fibonacci_heap< node, compare<compare_node> >::handle_type handle_t; 
    handle_t tab_handle[10]; 
    int n; 
    double tt[10]; 

    // assign a set of arbitrary numbers to initialise array tt: 
    tt[0] = 5.3; 
    tt[1] = 0.25; 
    tt[2] = 3.6; 
    tt[3] = 1.75; 
    tt[4] = 9.1; 
    tt[5] = 2.54; 
    tt[6] = 3.8; 
    tt[7] = 6.1; 
    tt[8] = 1.23; 
    tt[9] = 7.32; 

    // push the values of tt into the heap, and keep track of the handle of each element in the heap: 
    for (n=0; n<10; n++) 
     tab_handle[n] = heap.push(node(n, tt[n])); 

    // display first element in heap 
    cout << "first element in heap is :" << heap.top().index << " " << heap.top().time << "\n"; 

    // check size of the heap 
    cout << "size of heap is :" << heap.size() << "\n"; 

    // remove top element 

    // check size of the heap 
    cout << "size of heap after pop is :" << heap.size() << "\n"; 

    // display first element in heap 
    cout << "first element in heap is now :" << heap.top().index << " " << heap.top().time << "\n"; 

    // access value of a given element by index: 
    cout << "element index 2 has time :" << (*tab_handle[2]).time << "\n"; 

    // attempt to access the element with handle tab_handle[1]: this element was actually popped out of the heap previously. But I can access it: 
    cout << "element index 1 has time :" << (*tab_handle[1]).time << "\n"; 

    // update the time of an element using its handle. This is quite standard. 
    heap.update(tab_handle[2],node(2, tt[2]/10)); 

    // but now I can also update the element that was popped out of the heap: 
    heap.update(tab_handle[1],node(1, tt[1]/10)); 

    // display first element in heap 
    cout << "first element in heap is now :" << heap.top().index << " " << heap.top().time << "\n"; 

    // check size of the heap 
    cout << "size of heap after pop is :" << heap.size() << "\n"; 

    return 0; 



first element in heap is :1 0.25 
size of heap is :10 
size of heap after pop is :9 
first element in heap is now :8 1.23 
element index 2 has time :3.6 
element index 1 has time :0.25 
first element in heap is now :1 0.025 
size of heap after pop is :9 

聽起來像是UB給我。 –


是否使用類似於使用指向已刪除對象的指針的「彈出元素」句柄? **任何**都可能發生? –


這是「我的代碼有一個錯誤,爲什麼它沒有達到我期望的效果?」的又一個例子?答案總是一樣的「這就是錯誤所做的事情,你不會期待的事情,修復錯誤並且神祕消失。」 –



事實上,你是在調用Undefined Behaviour


[email protected]:/tmp$ valgrind --db-attach=yes ./test 
==14185== Memcheck, a memory error detector 
==14185== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. 
==14185== Using Valgrind-3.10.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info 
==14185== Command: ./test 
first element in heap is :1 0.25 
size of heap is :10 
size of heap after pop is :9 
first element in heap is now :8 1.23 
element index 2 has time :3.6 
==14185== Invalid read of size 8 
==14185== at 0x400F21: main (test.cpp:47) 
==14185== Address 0x5aa6d78 is 24 bytes inside a block of size 72 free'd 
==14185== at 0x4C2C2BC: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) 
==14185== by 0x402789: __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<boost::heap::detail::marked_heap_node<node> >::deallocate(boost::heap::detail::marked_heap_node<node>*, unsigned long) (new_allocator.h:110) 
==14185== by 0x401D2C: boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<node, boost::heap::compare<compare_node>, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_>::finish_erase_or_pop(boost::heap::detail::marked_heap_node<node>*) (fibonacci_heap.hpp:745) 
==14185== by 0x4015E7: boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<node, boost::heap::compare<compare_node>, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_>::pop() (fibonacci_heap.hpp:398) 
==14185== by 0x400E1C: main (test.cpp:34) 
==14185== ---- Attach to debugger ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ---- 



¹我使用的代碼的清理版本:Live On Coliru,所以你可以交叉引用的行號
