SELECT a.companyId 'companyId'
, i.orgDebtType 'orgDebtType'
, d.ratingTypeName 'ratingTypeName'
, c.currentRatingSymbol 'currentRatingSymbol'
, c.ratingStatusIndicator 'ratingStatusIndicator'
, g.qualifierValue 'qualifierValue'
, c.ratingdate 'ratingDate'
, h.value 'outlook'
FROM ciqRatingEntity a
JOIN ciqcompany com
on com.companyId = a.companyId
JOIN ciqratingobjectdetail b ON a.entitySymbolValue = b.objectSymbolValue
JOIN ciqRatingData c ON b.ratingObjectKey = c.ratingObjectKey
JOIN ciqRatingType d ON b.ratingTypeId = d.ratingTypeId
JOIN ciqRatingOrgDebtType i ON i.orgDebtTypeId=b.orgDebtTypeId
JOIN ciqRatingEntityData red ON red.entitySymbolValue=a.entitySymbolValue
AND red.ratingDataItemId='1' ---CoName
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingDataToQualifier f ON f.ratingDataId = c.ratingDataId
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingQualifiervalueType g ON g.qualifiervalueid = f.qualifierValueId
LEFT JOIN ciqRatingValueType h ON h.ratingValueId = c.outlookValueId
AND b.ratingTypeId IN ('130', '131', '126', '254')
-- and a.companyId = @companyId
AND a.companyId IN
(SELECT distinct TOP 2000000
FROM ciqCompany c
inner join ciqCompanyStatusType cst on cst.companystatustypeid = c.companystatustypeid
inner join ciqCompanyType ct on ct.companyTypeId = c.companyTypeId
inner join refReportingTemplateType rep on rep.templateTypeId = c.reportingtemplateTypeId
inner join refCountryGeo rcg on c.countryId = rcg.countryId
inner join refState rs on rs.stateId = c.stateId
inner join ciqSimpleIndustry sc on sc.simpleIndustryId = c.simpleIndustryId
ORDER BY companyid desc)
ORDER BY companyId DESC, c.ratingdate, b.ratingTypeId, c.ratingStatusIndicator
只是運行你的子查詢,它選擇你的'DISTINCT companyId' – RealCheeseLord
'COUNT(DISTINCT companyId)'? – Prisoner
在發佈如此龐大的查詢之前,請閱讀https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve。 – jarlh