set terminal wx size 700,300
set palette defined (0 "white", 1 "red")
set autoscale cbfix
set autoscale xfix
set autoscale yfix
set y2range [0:1]
set y2tics
$data << EOD
1501293600 0 2348.81
1501297200 8 2338.23
1501300800 7 2325.25
1501304400 16 2349.49
1501308000 13 2354.78
1501311600 18 2349.97
1501315200 14 2361.19
1501318800 16 2350.1
1501322400 8 2325.57
1501326000 12 2296.07
1501329600 24 2309.74
1501333200 30 2301.21
1501336800 30 2308.85
1501340400 19 2321.49
1501344000 24 2315.54
1501347600 17 2331.58
1501351200 17 2350.56
1501354800 20 2344.22
1501358400 15 2339.81
1501362000 19 2326.6
1501365600 8 2313.58
1501369200 13 2318.37
plot '$data' using 1:(1):2 with image axes x1y2, \ # just use 1 (the max y2 value) as y value
'$data' using 1:3 with lines axes x1y1
我想要的結果更加模糊(漸變色) ,但這與我所想的一樣接近。謝謝! PS隨着數據量的增加自動變得更加模糊:-) – KIC