TypeError: an integer is required
我不知道爲什麼會這樣,因爲我同時設置了數據類型分別UINT8 UINT64和。顯然我不太瞭解數據類型。
from PIL import Image
from numpy import random
N = 100
##open an image
##create a random image
rand_matrix = random.randint(0, 255, (500, 500, 3)).astype('uint8')
rand_image = Image.fromarray(rand_matrix)
##select N random pixels
rand_pix = random.randint(0,499, (N,2)).astype('uint64')
##replace the random values at these pixels with the original values
for ii in range(N):
rand_image.putpixel(tuple(rand_pix[ii,:]), im.getpixel(tuple(rand_pix[ii,:])))
哪一行發生了? – CppLearner 2013-03-25 18:27:30
如果此問題已得到解答,則應接受最佳答案,請參閱[常見問題解答#howtoask]。 – askewchan 2013-04-16 16:12:39