2013-10-18 73 views


df$resting == "toolong". 


df[ unlist(mapply(rep, rownames(df), 1+(df$resting=="toolong"))) , ] 


action <- "for" 
time <- 60 


action <- "l" # which is what it is already so this can be ignored for now 
time <- "parent row time" - 60 # I am unsure how to code this. 


id <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) 
resting <- c("f","toolong","t","f","f","toolong","t","f","toolong","t") 
time <- c(23,145,34,16,17,134,67,89,123,12) 
act <- c("f","l","f","d","d","l","f","d","l","d") 
df <- data.frame(id, resting, time, act) 


id resting time act 
1 1  f 23 f 
2 1 toolong 60 for 
2.1 1 toolong 85 l 
3 1  t 34 f 
4 1  f 16 d 
5 2  f 17 d 
6 2 toolong 60 for 
6.1 2 toolong 74 l 
7 2  t 67 f 
8 3  f 89 d 
9 3 toolong 60 for 
9.1 3 toolong 63 l 
10 3  t 12 d 



我解釋瞭如何響應在評論你的要求做。 –




df <- data.frame(id, resting, time, act, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 

> df2 <- df[ unlist(mapply(rep, rownames(df), 1+(df$resting=="toolong"))) , ] 
> df2[ df2$resting=="toolong" & !duplicated(df2) , "act"] <- "for" 
> df2[ df2$resting=="toolong" & df2$act == "for" , "time"] <- 60 
> df2[ df2$resting=="toolong" & df2$act == "l" , "time"] <- df2[ df2$resting=="toolong" & df2$act == "l" , "time"] - 60 
> df2 
    id resting time act 
1 1  f 23 f 
2 1 toolong 60 for 
2.1 1 toolong 85 l 
3 1  t 34 f 
4 1  f 16 d 
5 2  f 17 d 
6 2 toolong 60 for 
6.1 2 toolong 74 l 
7 2  t 67 f 
8 3  f 89 d 
9 3 toolong 60 for 
9.1 3 toolong 63 l 
10 3  t 12 d 

感謝您的耐心等待。我一直在這塊牆上撞了我一會兒的牆,然後你回答了這個問題,並以站起來的方式處理了我的R無知。 – marcellt