我正在學習如何使用名爲Reactive Banana的Haskell FRP庫,並且對於Haskell來說也是相當新穎的。 目前我正在創建一個將網絡作爲參數的函數,並且在函數體中編譯網絡並通過其事件循環之前進行一些初始化,但是我遇到了Haskell無法推斷出我正在嘗試的問題去做。Haskell無法從上下文中推導(t〜t1)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import qualified Reactive.Banana as R
import qualified Reactive.Banana.Frameworks as RF
main = start setupNetwork
start :: forall t. RF.Frameworks t => R.Moment t() -> IO()
start network = do
net <- RF.compile $ network
RF.actuate net
keyAddHandler = RF.newAddHandler
setupNetwork :: forall t. RF.Frameworks t => R.Moment t()
setupNetwork = do
(addKey, firekey) <- RF.liftIO keyAddHandler
Could not deduce (t ~ t1)
from the context (RF.Frameworks t)
bound by the type signature for
start :: RF.Frameworks t => R.Moment t() -> IO()
at Test.hs:(10,1)-(12,18)
or from (RF.Frameworks t1)
bound by a type expected by the context:
RF.Frameworks t1 => R.Moment t1()
at Test.hs:11:12-31
`t' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
start :: RF.Frameworks t => R.Moment t() -> IO()
at Test.hs:10:1
`t1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: RF.Frameworks t1 => R.Moment t1()
at Test.hs:11:12
Expected type: R.Moment t1()
Actual type: R.Moment t()
In the second argument of `($)', namely `network'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: net <- RF.compile $ network
這讓事情重新編譯!在附註中,是否使用像rank2types和scopedtypevariables這樣的編譯器標誌被認爲是不好的形式? – chanko08
這取決於擴展名。如果你需要'Rank2Types',那麼就不需要繞過它:你必須使用它。另一方面,'ScopedTypeVariables'並不總是絕對必要的,有些人會說你應該避免它...但總的來說,我認爲如果讓代碼更清晰,人們會說使用它。 – dave4420
@ chanko08雖然我聽說'Rank2Types'正逐漸被淘汰,轉而支持'RankNTypes',所以請使用它。 – dave4420