2011-01-27 62 views



public class Test { 

static public class B { 
    public String m() {return "From B";}; 

static public class B1 extends B { 


static public class B2 extends B { 
    public String m() {return "from B2";}; 

* @param args 
* @throws FileNotFoundException 
public static void main(String[] args) { 

    B b1 = new B1(); 
    System.out.println("b1 = " + b1.m()); 
    B b2 = new B2(); 
    System.out.println("b1 = " + b2.m()); 





當然,你的代碼是怎麼關我的事,但如果你確實需要這些信息,有可能是窮人OO設計潛伏在暗處 – biziclop 2011-01-27 21:15:25


我不認爲這是可能的,而不訴諸反思。我同意biziclop,這是一個設計不佳的標誌。 – 2011-01-28 07:53:07




How to quickly determine if a method is overridden in Java


只要覆蓋子類中的方法,此方法就成爲此類的聲明方法,因此_clazz.getMethod(「myMethod」)。getDeclaringClass()_將返回子類本身。我想你可以得到超類,再次調用get方法來檢查方法是否仍然出現,並從中得出結論。 – Hardy 2012-01-20 15:57:12


這肯定不會像上面評論中所解釋的那樣起作用。 – 2013-03-04 16:07:33


-1不要從另一個問題竊取答案。將這個問題標記爲另一個的重複。 – 2014-04-04 15:32:37




使用標準Java方法無法做到這一點,因爲Java在被引用之前不會加載類。例如,假設您從網絡上的jar(或許多jar)加載URL類加載器。 Java不知道這些聯網的jar文件中包含了哪些類,更不用說他們是否碰巧覆蓋了特定的方法。


有一些像Service Provider Interface這樣的工具可以在jar的META-INF目錄中列出實現特定接口的類名,也許你應該看看那個路由。


這是正確的。 – irreputable 2011-01-27 21:32:22

public static boolean isMethodOverrriden(Method myMethod) { 
    Class<?> declaringClass = myMethod.getDeclaringClass(); 
    if (declaringClass.equals(Object.class)) { 
     return false; 
    try { 
     declaringClass.getSuperclass().getMethod(myMethod.getName(), myMethod.getParameterTypes()); 
     return true; 
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 
     return false; 

提高可Pavel Savara後,這裏是我的版本,對於接口也工作方法:

public static boolean isMethodOverrriden(final Method myMethod) { 
    Class<?> declaringClass = myMethod.getDeclaringClass(); 
    if (declaringClass.equals(Object.class)) { 
     return false; 
    try { 
     declaringClass.getSuperclass().getMethod(myMethod.getName(), myMethod.getParameterTypes()); 
     return true; 
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { 
     for (Class<?> iface : declaringClass.getInterfaces()) { 
      try { 
       iface.getMethod(myMethod.getName(), myMethod.getParameterTypes()); 
       return true; 
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { 

     return false; 


//See: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_overriding.htm 
inline fun Method.isOverridableIn(cls: Class<*>): Boolean { 
    if (!isOverridable) return false 
    if (!isSubclassVisible) return false 
    if (!declaringClass.isAssignableFrom(cls)) return false 

    if (isPublic) return true 
    if (isPackageVisible && cls.getPackage() == declaringClass.getPackage()) return true 

    return false 

private fun Method.areParametersCovariant(other: Method): Boolean { 
    if (getParameterTypes() == null && other.getParameterTypes() == null) return true 
    if (getParameterTypes() == null || other.getParameterTypes() == null) return false 

    val myPrmTypes = getParameterTypes()!! 
    val otherPrmTypes = other.getParameterTypes()!! 

    if (myPrmTypes.size != otherPrmTypes.size) return false 

    for (i in myPrmTypes.indices) 
     if (!(otherPrmTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(myPrmTypes[i]))) return false 

    return true 

private fun Method.areParametersTheSameAs(other: Method): Boolean { 
    if (getParameterTypes() == null && other.getParameterTypes() == null) return true 
    if (getParameterTypes() == null || other.getParameterTypes() == null) return false 

    val myPrmTypes = getParameterTypes()!! 
    val otherPrmTypes = other.getParameterTypes()!! 

    if (myPrmTypes.size != otherPrmTypes.size) return false 

    for (i in myPrmTypes.indices) 
     if (otherPrmTypes[i] != myPrmTypes[i]) return false 

    return true 

private fun Method.isReturnTypeCovariant(other: Method): Boolean { 
    if (getReturnType() == null && other.getReturnType() == null) return true 
    if (getReturnType() == null || other.getReturnType() == null) return false 

    return other.getReturnType()!!.isAssignableFrom(getReturnType()!!) 

private fun Method.isReturnTypeTheSameAs(other: Method): Boolean { 
    if (getReturnType() == null && other.getReturnType() == null) return true 
    if (getReturnType() == null || other.getReturnType() == null) return false 

    return other.getReturnType() == getReturnType() 

fun Method.findBridgeMethod(): Method? { 
    if (isBridge()) return null 
    return declaringClass.getDeclaredMethods().find { 
     it != this && 
     isBridge() && 
     it.getName() == getName() && 
     isReturnTypeCovariant(it) && 

fun Method.isOverridenBy(other: Method): Boolean { 
    val bridge = findBridgeMethod() 

    if (bridge != null) return bridge!!.isOverridenBy(other) 

    return getName() == other.getName() && 
      isOverridableIn(other.declaringClass) && 
      !other.isAccessMoreRestrictiveThan(this) && 
      isReturnTypeTheSameAs(other) && 

fun Method.findOverridenMethod() = findOverridenMethodIn(declaringClass) 

private fun Method.findOverridenMethodIn(cls: Class<*>): Method? { 
    val superclasses = arrayListOf(cls.superclass) 
    cls.getInterfaces().forEach { superclasses.add(it) } 

    for (superclass in superclasses) { 
     if (superclass == null) continue 

     var overriden = superclass.getDeclaredMethods().find { it.isOverridenBy(this) } 
     if (overriden != null) return overriden 

     overriden = findOverridenMethodIn(superclass) 
     if (overriden != null) return overriden 

    return null; 

//Workaround for bug KT-3194 
//See: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-3194 
inline val Class<*>.superclass: Class<*>? 
    get() = (this as Class<Any>).getSuperclass() 

inline val Member.isFinal: Boolean 
    get() = Modifier.isFinal(getModifiers()) 

inline val Member.isPrivate: Boolean 
    get() = Modifier.isPrivate(getModifiers()) 

inline val Member.isStatic: Boolean 
    get() = Modifier.isStatic(getModifiers()) 

inline val Member.isPublic: Boolean 
    get() = Modifier.isPublic(getModifiers()) 

inline val Member.isAbstract: Boolean 
    get() = Modifier.isAbstract(getModifiers()) 

inline val Member.declaringClass: Class<*> 
    get() = getDeclaringClass() 

inline fun Member.isAccessMoreRestrictiveThan(other: Member) = restrictionLevel > other.restrictionLevel 

private inline val Member.restrictionLevel: Int 
    get() = when { 
     isPrivate -> 0 
     isProtected -> 2 
     isPublic -> 3 
     else -> 1 //No scope modifiers = package private 

    //Note: Does not consider the declaring class "inheritability" 
inline val Method.isOverridable: Boolean 
    get() = !isFinal && !isPrivate && !isStatic 

inline val Member.isPackageVisible: Boolean 
    get() = !isPrivate 

inline val Member.isSubclassVisible: Boolean 
    get() = isPublic || isProtected 

它與Java 100%兼容,所以我想它可以很容易地翻譯。它理論上應該處理每一個重寫的例子,比如泛型,範圍,不兼容的簽名等。我希望這會有所幫助!

private static boolean isMethodImplemented(Object obj, String name) 
     Class<? extends Object> clazz = obj.getClass(); 

     return clazz.getMethod(name).getDeclaringClass().equals(clazz); 
    catch (SecurityException e) 
     log.error("{}", e); 
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e) 
     log.error("{}", e); 

    return false; 

java支持註解。 如果您不確定是否從基類覆蓋實施的方法。


如果該方法真的可以重寫的方法,那麼它會編譯好。 否則會給出錯誤。

