1) insert your SQL statement into a webpage.
2) invoke an API to send the a set of primary keys to the Query
3) A Report is generated.
不幸的是,該軟件是愚蠢的,並且簡單地在SQL語句之後附加WHERE子句。但是,對於MySQL,WHERE語句應該在GROUP BY之前。所以當API追加一個WHERE時,它會因爲無效的SQL而失敗。有什麼方法可以告訴MySQL在最後期望WHERE語句嗎?
select incident.incidentID,
GROUP_CONCAT(moccode2.Description) as MOC2Description
from incident
join incidentmoc on incident.IncidentID = incidentmoc.IncidentID
inner join moccode2 on moccode2.id = incidentmoc.moccodeid
/* WHERE should go here */
group by incident.incidentID
/* I want the WHERE to go here */
Derek Kromm在我所要求的基本上是正確的,不幸的是我有額外的限制。它仍然會追加WHERE。
select incident.incidentID,
GROUP_CONCAT(moccode2.Description) as MOC2Description
from incident
join incidentmoc on incident.IncidentID = incidentmoc.IncidentID
inner join moccode2 on moccode2.id = incidentmoc.moccodeid
group by incident.incidentID
HAVING incident.IncidentID > 1
now software appends WHERE invalid SQL
什麼是報告生成軟件?我想記下這一點,所以我可以告訴我的老闆避免它... – jwiscarson
@jwiscarson eWebReports是軟件 – 0x4f3759df
我想這是我的錯。所以他們的軟件不是太怪。 – 0x4f3759df