2013-03-26 73 views

JAXB @XmlIDREF @XmlID做工令人驚訝的JAXB @XmlIDREF @XmlID工作驚人


     <course id="1" units="4" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Fundamentals of Programming"/> 
     <course id="2" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Advanced Programming"> 
     <course id="3" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Discrete Mathematics"> 
     <course id="4" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Data Structures"/> 
     <course id="5" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Database Systems"> 
     <course id="6" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Internet Engineering"> 
     <course id="7" units="3" level="GRAD" name="Formal Methods"/> 
     <course id="8" units="3" level="GRAD" name="Advanced Networks"/> 
     <course id="9" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Fundamentals of Management"/> 
     <course id="10" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Fundamentals of IT"/> 
     <course id="11" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Multimedia"/> 
     <course id="12" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Network Security"/> 
     <course id="13" units="3" level="UNDERGRAD" name="Elearning"/> 
     <prof firstName="Ramtin" id="1"/> 
     <prof firstName="Ahmad" id="2"/> 
     <prof firstName="Hesham" id="3"/> 
     <prof firstName="Fatemeh" id="4"/> 
     <prof firstName="Mahmood" id="5"/> 
     <prof firstName="Mahmoudreza" id="6"/> 
     <prof firstName="Fattaneh" id="7"/> 
     <prof firstName="Azadeh" id="8"/> 
     <prof firstName="Siamak" id="9"/> 
     <term id="1"> 
      <offering id="1" prof="6" course="1" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="2" prof="1" course="2" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="3" prof="9" course="3" section="1" time="2" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="4" prof="3" course="4" section="1" time="3" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="5" prof="1" course="7" section="1" time="6" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="6" prof="1" course="2" section="1" time="5" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="7" prof="9" course="3" section="1" time="6" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="8" prof="4" course="8" section="1" time="6" capacity="10"/> 
      <offering id="9" prof="2" course="1" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
     <student firstName="Gholam" lastName="Patoobaf" program="1" id="810190420"> 
      <studyrec grade="9.0" offering="1" status="FAILED"/> 
      <studyrec grade="0.0" offering="9" status="INPROGRESS"/> 
     <student firstName="Ghamar" lastName="Aghrabparast" program="1" id="810190421"> 
      <studyrec grade="16.0" offering="1" status="PASSED"/> 
      <studyrec grade="0.0" offering="6" status="INPROGRESS"/> 
      <studyrec grade="0.0" offering="7" status="INPROGRESS"/> 


import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*; 

public class Offering { 
    private String id; 
    private Prof prof; 
    private Course course; 
    private String section; 
    private String time; 
    private int capacity; 

    public void setCapacity(int capacity) { 
     this.capacity = capacity; 

    public int getCapacity() { 
     return capacity; 

    public void setCourse(Course course) { 
     this.course = course; 

    public Course getCourse() { 
     return course; 

    public void setId(String id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    public String getId() { 
     return id; 

    public void setProf(Prof prof) { 
     this.prof = prof; 

    public Prof getProf() { 
     return prof; 

    public void setSection(String section) { 
     this.section = section; 

    public String getSection() { 
     return section; 

    public void setTime(String time) { 
     this.time = time; 

    public String getTime() { 
     return time; 

    public boolean equals(Object t) { 
     if (t instanceof Offering) { 
      if(((Offering)t).getId().equals(this.id)) { 
       return true; 
     return false; 



import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*; 
public class Prof { 
    private String firstName; 
    private String id; 

    public void setId(String id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    public void setFirstname(String firstname) { 
     this.firstName = firstname; 

    public String getFirstname() { 
     return firstName; 

    public String getId() { 
     return id; 


所以,如果我只是加載和輸入的文件保存到另一個文件 我驚人的看到這一點: 中提供的元素,其中教授ID是小於6,prog屬性未顯示,在java上下文中爲null 但profid爲6或更多的產品具有正確的prof屬性

此事件也發生for course attri提供的弼但對於9,而不是6 你看我下面的輸出的一部分:

<offering id="1" prof="6" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="2" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="3" prof="9" section="1" time="2" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="4" section="1" time="3" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="5" section="1" time="6" capacity="10"/> 


<offering id="1" prof="3" course="1" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="2" prof="3" course="2" section="1" time="1" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="3" prof="9" course="3" section="1" time="2" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="4" prof="8" course="4" section="1" time="3" capacity="10"/> 
<offering id="5" prof="6" course="7" section="1" time="6" capacity="10"/> 

確定解決問題,它有例如JAXB沒有規則正常運行此: – abozar 2013-03-26 18:00:48


下面是演示如何'@ XmlID'和'@ XmlIDREF'被設計成一起工作的例子:http://blog.bdoughan.com/2010/10/j AXB-和共享引用-xmlid-and.html – 2013-03-26 20:12:08


