我想獲得遊戲中玩家的屬性,並在我的應用程序中顯示這些屬性。 我需要的統計數據放在網站上(account.xxx.com/player/username)。如何從網站獲取特定的單詞/數字?
我想獲得遊戲中玩家的屬性,並在我的應用程序中顯示這些屬性。 我需要的統計數據放在網站上(account.xxx.com/player/username)。如何從網站獲取特定的單詞/數字?
// Store the URL of the website you are looking at.
string path = "http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=";
string userName = "froggen";
string url = path + userName;
// Create a new WebClient to download the html page.
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
// Download the html source code of the user page.
string html = client.DownloadString(url);
// Finding the kda depends on the website - you need to know what you are looking for. Have a look at the page source and see where the kda is stored.
// I've had a look at the source of my example and I know kda is stored in <span class="KDARatio">3.92:1</span>.
// You'll need a way to get that data out of the HTML - you might try to parse the file and traverse it.
// I've chosen Regex to match the data I'm looking for.
string pattern = @"<span class=""KDARatio"">\d+\.\d+";
// I take the first string that matches my regex from the document.
string kdaString = Regex.Matches(html, pattern)[0].Value;
// I trim the data I don't need from it.
string substring = kdaString.Substring(kdaString.IndexOf('>') + 1);
// Then I can convert it into a double - giving me the x:1 kda ratio for this player.
double kda = double.Parse(substring);
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Screen scrape將頁面轉換爲代碼,然後遍歷結果標記以獲取所需的值。例如。正則表達式,DOM解析,Linq到Xml等,...
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