我的程序使用pyplot繪製形狀。我選擇以非常特別的方式創建形狀,因爲程序最終將解決this problem。因此,繪製形狀的信息包含在我命名爲big_shape的數據類型中。 big_shape是一個dicts列表,每個dict包含繪製一個1x1正方形所需的信息,我已經命名了一個unit_square。爲什麼我的函數在函數範圍之外改變它的參數?
1. Iterate over each unit_square in a big_shape and run the transpose() function
-This should in turn create a new, transposed copy of the unit_square
2. Compile the new unit_squares into a second big_shape
3. Combine the new_big_shape with the original to make a third big_shape
4. Return the third big shape so that everything can be plotted.
這個問題似乎來自於轉置()函數。 I 期望函數獲取一個單位平方的輸入並將該單位平方的一個副本輸出到新位置,而不影響原始單位平方。但是,轉置功能似乎正在影響輸入單位正方形,使得它最終在轉置點中相互繪製原始圖像和轉置圖像。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def make_unit_square(square_info):
A unit square is a 1x1 square. The square_info parameter is a two item list containing coordinates of the square's left top corner
point (index [0], given as a list or tuple) and its color (index [1]). make_unit_square returns a dict that will eventually be
the information input into a plt.Polygon().
points = [square_info[0],[square_info[0][0]+1,square_info[0][1]],[square_info[0][0]+1,square_info[0][1]-1],[square_info[0][0],square_info[0][1]-1]]
return {'type': 'unit square','points': points, 'color': square_info[1]}
def make_copies(big_shape):
A big_shape is a list of unit_squares. Thus, any function taking a parameter big_shape will iterate over the
composite unit squares. The make_copies function should iterate over each unit_square in a big_shape and run the
transpose() function, which should in turn create a new, transposed copy of the unit_square. These new unit_squares
are compiled into a new big_shape, which is then combined with the old big_shape and returned by the make_copies
function so that the two can eventually be plotted at once.
def transpose(unit_square,xdistance,ydistance):
new_unit_square = unit_square
new_points = [ [point[0] + xdistance, point[1] + ydistance] for point in unit_square['points']]
new_unit_square['points'] = new_points
return new_unit_square
#iterate over the big_shape, making a new, transposed copy of each of its composit unit_squares. THIS SHOULD LEAVE THE
new_big_shape = [transpose(x,0,10) for x in big_shape]
#combine the two big_shapes so they can be plotted at once
return big_shape
#Below is the information for four unit_squares that will make up a big_shape
big_shape_1_info = [ [[0,1],'green'], [[0,2], 'green'], [[1,2],'green'], [[1,1],'pink'] ]
#Take that information and create a list of unit_squares, i.e. a big_shape.
big_shape_1 = [make_unit_square(x) for x in big_shape_1_info]
Here we make an even larger big_shape by making a transposed copy of big_shape_1 and saving both the original
big_shape and its copy into one new big_shape. However, due to the bug, the unit_squares of big_shape_1 are
erroneously changed in this step, so what we get is not the original big_shape and a transposed copy, but rather
two transposed copies and no original.
big_shape_2 = make_copies(big_shape_1)
Next, we plot the new big_shape. This plotting is done by plotting each individual unit_square that makes up the big_shape.
for unit_square in big_shape_2:
pol = plt.Polygon(unit_square['points'],color=unit_square['color'])
'new_unit_square = unit_square'將只複製引用,不復制對象。嘗試['copy()'](https://docs.python.org/2/library/copy.html)函數。 – Selcuk