import org.graphframes._
// Node DataFrames
val v = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("a", "Alice", 34),
("b", "Bob", 36),
("c", "Charlie", 30),
("d", "David", 29),
("e", "Esther", 32),
("f", "Fanny", 36),
("g", "Gabby", 60)
)).toDF("id", "name", "age")
// Edge DataFrame
val e = sqlContext.createDataFrame(List(
("a", "b", "friend"),
("b", "c", "follow"),
("c", "b", "follow"),
("f", "c", "follow"),
("e", "f", "follow"),
("e", "d", "friend"),
("d", "a", "friend"),
("a", "e", "friend")
)).toDF("src", "dst", "relationship")
// Create a GraphFrame
val g = GraphFrame(v, e)
error: missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 'GraphFrame.class'. Could not access type Logging in package org.apache.spark, because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build definition for missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with
to see the problematic classpath.) A full rebuild may help if 'GraphFrame.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of org.apache.spark.
我正在使用Apache Spark 2.1和Scala 2.11。任何建議可能是什麼問題?