我正嘗試在Android上使用AIDL創建遠程IPC服務。我發現了一些文檔,解釋瞭如何在Eclipse中創建這樣的服務,但沒有一個解釋了InteliJ IDEA的創建過程。Android Intellij IDEA 12 AIDL
package MyApp.Android.RemoteServices;
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* Máxima Sistemas de Informática S.A.
* User: regis.oliveira
* Date: 27/03/13
* Time: 23:26
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/** Example service interface */
interface IRemoteService {
/** Request the process ID of this service, to do evil things with it. */
int getPid();
/** Demonstrates some basic types that you can use as parameters
* and return values in AIDL.
void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat,
double aDouble, String aString);
android-idl-compiler: D:\Docs\Programming\MyApp.Android.RemoteServices\IRemoteService.aidl:10 interface IRemoteService should be declared in a file called MyApp\Android\RemoteServices\IRemoteService.aidl.
我這樣做。工作正常。請分享一個示例項目來重現問題。 – CrazyCoder 2013-03-28 06:16:46
Hi @CrazyCoder。經過一番嘗試之後,我意識到問題是由Eclipse導致的,與IntelliJ同時打開。所以,在關閉Eclipse並重新啓動IntelliJ之後,一切都按預期工作。 – regisxp 2013-04-01 11:22:13