2015-10-16 27 views


    <meta charset ="UTF-8"/> 
    <script>var firstPerson = prompt(""Enter the full name of the first person:")</script> 
\t <script>var secondPerson = prompt(""Enter the full name of the second person:")</script> 
\t <script>var thirdPerson = prompt(""Enter the full name of the third person:")</script> 
\t <script>var fourthPerson = prompt(""Enter the full name of the fourth person:")</script> 
\t <script>var fifthPerson = prompt(""Enter the full name of the fifth person:")</script> 
\t <script>alert("\"\\nThe \\nFirst\\n Person is ".concat("'", firstPerson, "'", "\\n\"\n\'\\nThe \\nSecond\\n Person is ", 
    '"', secondPerson, '"', "\\n\'\n\"\\nThe \\nThird\\n Person is ", '"', thirdPerson, '"', "\\n\"\n\'\\nThe \\nFourth\\n Person is ", 
\t "'", fourthPerson, "'", "\\n\'\n\"\\nThe \\nFifth\\n Person is \\", fifthPerson, "\\", "\\n\""))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("First Person: ".concat(firstPerson))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("First person (last name, first name): ".concat(firstPerson.substring(5,14), ", ", firstPerson.substring(0, 4)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Second Person: ".concat(secondPerson))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Second person (last name, first name): ".concat(secondPerson.substring(6,10), ", ", secondPerson.substring(0, 5)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Third Person: ".concat(thirdPerson))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Third person (last name, first name): ".concat(thirdPerson.substring(6,11), ", ", thirdPerson.substring(0, 5)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Fourth Person: ".concat(fourthPerson))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Fourth person (last name, first name): ".concat(fourthPerson.substring(6,12), ", ", fourthPerson.substring(0, 5)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Fifth Person: ".concat(fifthPerson))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("Fifth person (last name, first name): ".concat(fifthPerson.substring(6,10), ", ", fifthPerson.substring(0, 5)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("All of the first names are: ".concat(firstPerson.substring(0,4), ", ", secondPerson.substring(0,5), ", ", thirdPerson.substring(0,5), 
    ", ", fourthPerson.substring(0,5), ", ", fifthPerson.substring(0,5)))</script> 
\t <script>document.write("All of the last names are: ".concat(firstPerson.substring(5,14), ", ", secondPerson.substring(6,10), ", ", thirdPerson.substring(6,11), 
\t ", ", fourthPerson.substring(6,12), ", ", fifthPerson.substring(6,10)))</script> 


身體裏有什麼?我看到的只是腳本 – makdu


首先,您不需要將每行代碼放在'script'標記中,嘗試在腳本標記中包含'type ='text/javascript'',您的*一個*腳本標記。我會看看我可以用你的代碼做什麼。 –


按F12,單擊控制檯,清除結果並再次運行您的代碼段。這些錯誤將是一個開始的好地方。 – Gary





var firstPerson = prompt("Enter the full name of the first person:") 
var secondPerson = prompt("Enter the full name of the second person:") 
var thirdPerson = prompt("Enter the full name of the third person:") 
var fourthPerson = prompt("Enter the full name of the fourth person:") 
var fifthPerson = prompt("Enter the full name of the fifth person:") 



<script type='text/javascript'> 

    // Code here... 




非常感謝!我甚至沒有注意到你所說的雙引號,因爲我一直在使用Notepad ++並且還沒有習慣它。我們現在正在瞭解轉義序列,而且我的任務是在某些地方嵌入「// n」來顯示我們的結果,這樣我就能明白爲什麼結果看起來很瘋狂。我很高興我不需要一直使用腳本標籤!這是超級有用的。再次感謝並感謝您的耐心。 –


完全沒有問題!很高興我有用:) –