我正在使用InDesign CS6。InDesign:試圖以腳本標籤爲目標...沒有骰子
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
set myDoc to active document
set colorMode to blending space of transparency preferences of myDoc
set docBleed to document bleed top offset of document preferences of myDoc
set docWidth to page width of document preferences of myDoc
set docHeight to page height of document preferences of myDoc
set slugGroup to (group whose label is "slug")
tell table 1 of text frame 1 of slugGroup of myDoc
set contents of cell 1 of row 2 to colorMode
set contents of cell 2 of row 1 to docWidth & " x " & docHeight
set contents of cell 2 of row 2 to docBleed
end tell
end tell