我有一個CListCtrl,我在單元格上顯示文本框以允許用戶編輯單元格的文本。MFC CListCtrl在單元格上顯示文本框供用戶編輯
void FilesDialog::OnNMClickFiles(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
//get the row number
nItem = temp->iItem;
//get the column number
nSubItem = temp->iSubItem;
if (nSubItem == 0 || nSubItem == -1 || nItem == -1)
*pResult = 0;
//Retrieve the text of the selected subItem from the list
CString str = GetItemText(filesList.m_hWnd, nItem, nSubItem);
CRect rectList, rectDlg, rectCl;
CRect rectItem;
// Get the rectangle of the selected sub-item.
ListView_GetSubItemRect(filesList.m_hWnd, temp->iItem, temp->iSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, &rectItem);
//Get the Rectange of the listControl
::GetWindowRect(temp->hdr.hwndFrom, &rectList);
//Get the Rectange of the Dialog
::GetWindowRect(this->m_hWnd, &rectDlg);
int subY = rectDlg.Height() - rectCl.Height() - 5;
int lft = rectItem.left + rectList.left - rectDlg.left + 1;
int tp = rectItem.top + rectList.top - rectDlg.top - subY;
// When an item is cut off by the window on the right
// side, resize the text box so that the right side
// is at the edge of the list control.
int rtEdge = rectDlg.right - (rectDlg.right - rectCl.right);
int subWdth = 0;
if (lft + rectItem.Width() - 2 > rtEdge)
// 16 is just an arbitrary value that seems to work.
subWdth = 16 + (lft + rectItem.Width() - 2) - rtEdge;
// Move the edit box window over the cell.
editText.MoveWindow(lft, tp, rectItem.Width() - 2 - subWdth, rectItem.Height() - 1, true);
//Set the list Item text in the edit box.
::SetWindowText(editText.m_hWnd, str);
// Show the edit box and set focus to it.
::ShowWindow(editText.m_hWnd, SW_SHOW);
*pResult = 0;
感謝。這工作正常。非常感激。 –