2015-12-09 77 views

我意識到錯誤屬於語法 - 我對MySQL相當新;但我通常知道我的方式。這個錯誤一直困擾着我好幾天!任何和所有的幫助,將不勝感激,謝謝!MySQL錯誤#1064無法找到解決方案?


Connected successfully! SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 USER EXISTS


function doesUserExist($user, $conn) { 

    try { 

     // Setting the query and runnin it... 
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(email) FROM userinformation WHERE email = $user"; 
     $result = $conn->query($sql); 

     // If it's greater than 0 then the account exists 
     if ($result != 0) { 
      echo "more than 0"; 
      return true; // user exists 
     } else { 
      echo "0"; 
      return false; // user does not exist 
    // Catching it if something went wrong. 
    catch(PDOException $e) { 
     echo $e->getMessage(); 

function addUser($user, $conn) { 
    echo $user; 
    // If user does not exist 

    if (doesUserExist($user, $conn) === false) { 
     // Add user to database (begin this process) 
     $sqlEntry = "INSERT INTO userinformation (email, password) VALUES('alexnord', 'password')"; 
     $query = $conn->query($sqlEntry); // insert data into table 

    } else { 
     // Take to profile homepage 
     echo "USER EXISTS"; 

請使用PHP的[內建函數](http://jayblanchard.net/proper_password_hashing_with_PHP。 html)來處理密碼安全性。如果您使用的PHP版本低於5.5,則可以使用'password_hash()'[兼容包](https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat)。 –




$sql = "SELECT COUNT(email) FROM userinformation WHERE email = '$user'"; 

他可以更新查詢並查看結果 –