1. Non-GUI System 2. Has backend nodes running on multiple Linux/Unix hosts 3. Has remotely executing processes against which we must test 4. Results in a lot of DB access.
示例場景: 我想在功能上比較產品的兩個版本。
1. V1 will run on machine 1. The results will be written to database X 2. V2 will run on machine 2. The results will be written to database Y 3. The table structures of V1 & V2 are very different but logically same. 4. Same data will be pushed to machine 1 & machine 2
這是一個面向服務的體系結構嗎?你有可以測試的API或API嗎?試圖掌握架構以及您試圖解決的問題。 – 2012-02-08 17:17:25
它不是面向服務的體系結構。它具有銀行,電信部門後端的多線程流程。 – Sudeep 2012-02-08 17:26:39