2012-06-21 187 views


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
    try { 
     int sockfd, portno, net_socket2, portno2; 
     struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; 
     struct sockaddr_in si_output2; 
     struct hostent *server; 
     int iof; 

     int n, udp_size; 

     unsigned char receivedMessage[256]; 
     unsigned char buffer[50]; 

     // register the signal (exception) handler 
     signal(SIGINT, SIGINThandler); 

     // Log on ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
     printf("Logging on\n"); 
     log("Logging on"); 
     portno = SERVER_PORT; 
     sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); 
     if (sockfd < 0) { 
      log("ERROR opening socket"); 
      error("ERROR opening socket"); 
     printf("Socket opened \n"); 
     log("Socket opened"); 
     bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof (serv_addr)); //clear the structure 
     serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; 
     if (inet_aton(SERVER_IP, &serv_addr.sin_addr) == 0) { 
      printf("inet_aton() failed \n"); 
      log("inet_aton() failed "); 
      return 0; 

     serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno); //set the host port 
     const struct sockaddr *to_cast = (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr; 
     printf("Connecting to %s %d on port %d \n", SERVER_IP, serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, portno); 
     log("Connecting to port on the server"); 
     if (connect(sockfd, to_cast, sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) { 
      log("Error connecting"); 
      error("ERROR connecting\n"); 

     if ((fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0)) != -1) 
      fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, iof | O_NONBLOCK); 

     // now open udp socket to receive messages from host ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
     int MESSAGE_PORT = 6001; 
     if ((net_socket2 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) { 
      log("Message socket problem"); 
      printf("message socket problem \n"); 
      return 0; 
     memset((char*) &si_output2, sizeof (si_output2), 0); 
     si_output2.sin_family = AF_INET; 
     si_output2.sin_port = htons(MESSAGE_PORT); 
     si_output2.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; 

     //bind socket for incomming messages 
     log("bind socket for incomming messages"); 
     if (bind(net_socket2, (struct sockaddr *) &si_output2, sizeof (struct sockaddr)) == -1) { 
      log("Socket 2 bind failed"); 
      printf("socket 2 bind failed \n"); 
      return 0; 
     //set to non blocking 
     if ((iof = fcntl(net_socket2, F_GETFL, 0)) != -1) 
      fcntl(net_socket2, F_SETFL, iof | O_NONBLOCK); 

     //In the above INADDR_ANY means the message could come from anywhere, you 
     //would have to select a free port for MESSAGE_PORT 

     // Send the logon message 
     log("Send the logon message"); 
     unsigned char* logonMessage = msgLogon(); 
     //cout << "\nLogon Message Begin: "; 
     displayByteArray(logonMessage, 38); 
     //cout << "\nLogon Message End\n"; 
     n = write(sockfd, logonMessage, 38); 
     if (n < 0) { 
      log("ERROR writing to socket"); 
      error("ERROR writing to socket"); 
     // Assume we are logged in now so start receiving messages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
     log("Assume we are logged in now so start receiving messages"); 
     while (true) { 
      // Check for incomming message from etsl // 
      bzero(receivedMessage, 256); //clear the received message 
      n = read(sockfd, receivedMessage, 255); 
      if (n > 0) { 

       //cout << "\nReceived Message Begin: "; 
       //displayByteArray(receivedMessage, n); 
       //cout << "\nReceived Message End\n"; 

       MsgReply message = MsgReply(receivedMessage, n); 


       if (message.getValue()) { //If we can get a reply message 

        unsigned char* replyMessage = message.getReplyMessage(); 

        //int m = sizeof(replyMessage)/sizeof(replyMessage[0]); 
        int m = message.getReplyMessageLength(); 
        //cout << "\nReply Message Length: m: " << m; 
        n = write(sockfd, replyMessage, m); 
        if (n < 0) { 
         log("ERROR writing to socket"); 
         error("ERROR writing to socket"); 

       } else { 
        log("Did not reply to this message"); 
        //cout << "\nDid not reply to this message\n"; 

      if (sendLogoff) { 
       //cout << "\nreceived a control c"; 
       log("Send the logoff message"); 
       // Send the logon message 
       unsigned char* logoffMessage = msgLogoff(); 
       //cout << "\nLogoff Message Begin: "; 
       displayByteArray(logoffMessage, 38); 
       //cout << "\nLogoff Message End\n"; 
       n = write(sockfd, logonMessage, 38); 
       if (n < 0) { 
        log("ERROR writing to socket"); 
        error("ERROR writing to socket"); 
       sendLogoff = false; 

     log("Exit main block on success"); 
     return EXIT_SUCCESS; 
    } catch (const std::exception& ex) { 
     //cout<< ex.what();  
    } catch (const std::string& ex) { 
     //cout << ex; 
    } catch (...) { 
     log("unknown exception"); 


void messageHandler(MsgReply& message) { 

string msgStr = byteArrayToHexString(message.getReceivedMessage(), 2 * message.getReceivedMessageLength()); 

int type = messageType(msgStr); 

if ((type == 220) || (type == 221)) { 

    string subMsg; 
    string replyMsgStr; 

    //message type 
    replyMsgStr = "0230"; 

    //bit map 
    subMsg = "323A00000A008000"; 

    //processing code 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(24, 6); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(30, 12); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(42, 10); 

    //trace number 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(52, 6); 

    //local time 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(58, 6); 

    //local date 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(64, 4); 

    //settelment date 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(72, 4); 

    //retrieval reference number 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(108, 24); 

    //responce code 
    subMsg = msgStr.substr(144, 4); 

    //transaction currency code 
    subMsg = "0554"; 

    // Get message length 
    int length = replyMsgStr.length(); 
    length = length/2; 
    string msgLength = intToHex(length); 
    replyMsgStr = msgLength.append(replyMsgStr); 



if (type == 100) { 
    string subMsg; 
    string replyMsgStr; 

    string processing_code = msgStr.substr(24, 6); // The processing code 
    string amount = msgStr.substr(30, 12); // The amount 
    string transaction_number = msgStr.substr(52, 6); // The trace number 
    string magnetic_number = msgStr.substr(106, 16); // The track2data 
    string database = msgStr.substr(112, 2); // Which database we query 
    string etsl_number = hexStringToAsciiString(msgStr.substr(130, 24), 12); // The retreival reference number 
    string terminal_number = hexStringToAsciiString(msgStr.substr(170, 30), 15); 
    ; // The card acceptor id code 

    string return_string; 
    string return_code; 
    string return_value; 

    string pinpadMessage; 
    string terminalMessage; 
    string receiptText1; 
    string receiptText2; 
    string tmLength; 

    // Get response code 
    bool rewardOnPurchase; 
    stringstream ss; 
    double numDouble; 
    int numInt; 
    ss << database; 
    ss >> numInt; 

    if (numInt == 10) { 
     //cout << "\nProwze Database"; 

     replyMsgStr = "0110B23A4481AAE180000000000000000080"; 

     subMsg = msgStr.substr(24, 130); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     // Get Processing Code and Reward Amount 
     rewardOnPurchase = false; 
     return_string = prowze_db(processing_code, amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number, terminal_number, rewardOnPurchase); 
     //cout << "\nreturn_string: " << return_string << "\n\n"; 
     return_code = return_string.substr(0, 4); 
     //return_code = "3035"; 
     return_value = return_string.substr(4, 8); 
     // Convert return value to hex 
     return_value = asciiStringToHexString(return_value, 8); 

     //cout << "\nprocessing_code: " << processing_code; 
     if (atoi(processing_code.c_str()) == 13000) { 
      //cout << "\nReward Transaction"; 

      if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3030) { 
       //cout << "\nAccepted Reward Transaction"; 

       //terminalMessage = "20202020414343455054454420202020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("2052455741524420"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append(return_value); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("20202020414343455054454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F55522052455741524420"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append(return_value); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
       string tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3537) { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Reward Transaction: Card On Hold"; 

       terminalMessage = "202043415244204F4E20484F4C442020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("2020202043415244204F4E20484F4C4420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
       tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Reward Transaction"; 

       terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
       tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 

     } else if (atoi(processing_code.c_str()) == 3000) { 
      //cout << "\nPurchase Transaction"; 

      if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3030) { 
       //cout << "\nAccepted Purchase Transaction"; 

       // Perform Reward on Purchase 
       rewardOnPurchase = true; 
       return_string = prowze_db("013000", amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number, terminal_number, rewardOnPurchase); 
       //cout << "\nreturn_string: "; 
       //return_code = return_string.substr(0,4); 
       return_value = return_string.substr(4, 8); 
       // Convert return value to hex 
       return_value = asciiStringToHexString(return_value, 8); 

       terminalMessage = "41434345505420574954482053494720"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("41434345505420574954482053494720"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("2020414343455054205749544820534947202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F55522052455741524420"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append(return_value); 
       string tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3537) { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Reward Transaction: Card On Hold"; 

       terminalMessage = "202043415244204F4E20484F4C442020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("2020202043415244204F4E20484F4C4420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
       tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Purchase Transaction"; 

       terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
       tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 


     } else { 
      //cout << "\nUnkown Transaction Type"; 

      // Return Code 
      return_code = "3035"; 

      // Decline message 
      terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
      terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
      terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
      terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
      tmLength = "0072"; 
      terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 

     // Append Return Code 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(return_code); 

     //subMsg = msgStr.substr(154,166); 
     //154 = 
     subMsg = msgStr.substr(154); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     //Check to see if the message is a pre-auth 
     //Not pre-auth bit map: 323A4481A8E18000 
     //pre-auth bit map: 323A4481A8E18080 
     //cout << "\nCheck bit 15 of bitmap to see if message is a pre-auth: " << msgStr.substr(22,1); 
     if (!((msgStr.substr(22, 1)).compare("8"))) { 
      //cout << ": Therefore pre-auth message"; 
      int aa = replyMsgStr.length(); 
      aa = aa - 10; 
      replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.substr(0, aa); 
     } else //cout << ": Therefore non pre-auth message"; 

      // Append Terminal Message 
      replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 

     // Get message length 
     int length = replyMsgStr.length(); 
     length = length/2; 
     string msgLength = intToHex(length); 
     replyMsgStr = msgLength.append(replyMsgStr); 


    } else if (numInt == 20) { 
     //cout << "\nBarter Database"; 

     replyMsgStr = "0110B23A4481AAE180000000000000000080"; 

     subMsg = msgStr.substr(24, 130); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     // Get Return Code 
     //cout << "\nprocessing_code: " << processing_code << "\n"; 
     if (atoi(processing_code.c_str()) == 3000) { 
      return_code = barter_db(processing_code, amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number, terminal_number); 
     } else { 
      return_code = "3035"; 
     //cout << "\nreturn_code: " << return_code;   

     if (atoi(processing_code.c_str()) == 3000) { 
      //cout << "\nPurchase Transaction"; 

      if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3030) { 
       //cout << "\nAccepted Purchase Transaction";      

       //terminalMessage = "20202020414343455054454420202020";  //ACCEPTED 
       terminalMessage = "41434345505420574954482053494720"; //ACCEPT WITH SIG 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("41434345505420574954482053494720"); //ACCEPT WITH SIG 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("42415254455253504143452053484F5050494E47"); //BARTERSPACE SHOPPING 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("2020202042415254455253504143452020202020"); //BARTERSPACE 
       string tmLength = "0072"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else if (atoi(return_code.c_str()) == 3537) { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Purchase Transaction: Card On Hold"; 

       terminalMessage = "202043415244204F4E20484F4C442020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("42415254455253504143452053484F5050494E47"); 
       string tmLength = "0052"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
      } else { 
       //cout << "\nDeclined Purchase Transaction"; 

       terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
       terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("42415254455253504143452053484F5050494E47"); 
       string tmLength = "0052"; 
       terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 


     } else { 
      //cout << "\nUnkown Transaction Type"; 

      // Return Code 
      return_code = "3035"; 

      // Decline message 
      terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
      terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
      terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("42415254455253504143452053484F5050494E47"); 
      string tmLength = "0052"; 
      terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 

     // Append Return Code 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(return_code); 

     //subMsg = msgStr.substr(154,166); 
     subMsg = msgStr.substr(154); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     //Check to see if the message is a pre-auth 
     //Not pre-auth bit map: 323A4481A8E18000 
     //pre-auth bit map: 323A4481A8E18080 
     //cout << "\nCheck bit 15 of bitmap to see if message is a pre-auth: " << msgStr.substr(22,1); 
     if (!((msgStr.substr(22, 1)).compare("8"))) { 
      //cout << ": Therefore pre-auth message"; 
      int aa = replyMsgStr.length(); 
      aa = aa - 10; 
      replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.substr(0, aa); 
     } else //cout << ": Therefore non pre-auth message"; 

      // Append Terminal Message 
      replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 

     // Get message length 
     int length = replyMsgStr.length(); 
     length = length/2; 
     string msgLength = intToHex(length); 
     replyMsgStr = msgLength.append(replyMsgStr); 


    } else { 
     //cout << "\nCould Not Find Database"; 

     //Message type and bit map 
     replyMsgStr = "0110323A4481AAE18000"; 

     subMsg = msgStr.substr(24, 130); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     // Return Code 
     //subMsg = barter_db(processing_code, amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number, terminal_number); 
     return_code = "3035"; 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(return_code); 

     subMsg = msgStr.substr(154); 
     replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

     // Get message length 
     int length = replyMsgStr.length(); 
     length = length/2; 
     string msgLength = intToHex(length); 
     replyMsgStr = msgLength.append(replyMsgStr); 


    // Put in additional user information 
    //replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 

    // Accept message reward 
    /*  string terminalMessage = "20202020414343455054454420202020"; 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("20202020414343455054454420202020"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
        string tmLength = "0072"; 
        terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
        replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 
    // Decline message reward 
    /*  terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
        tmLength = "0072"; 
        terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
        replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 
    // Accept message purchase 
    /*  string terminalMessage = "20202020414343455054454420202020"; 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024303030302E3030"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
        string tmLength = "0072"; 
        terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
        replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 
    // Decline message purchase 
    /*  string terminalMessage = "202020204445434C494E454420202020"; 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("202020204445434C494E454420202020"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("594F5552205245574152442024393030302E3030"); 
        terminalMessage = terminalMessage.append("50524F575A452052455741524453204341534821"); 
        string tmLength = "0072"; 
        terminalMessage = tmLength.append(terminalMessage); 
        replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(terminalMessage); 

} else if (type == 800) { 
    string subMsg; 

    string replyMsgStr = "001E08108220000002000000"; 

    subMsg = "0400000000000000"; 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(40, 16); 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append("3030"); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(56, 4); 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

} else if ((type == 420) || (type == 421)) { 
    string subMsg; 
    string replyMsgStr = ""; 

    string processing_code = msgStr.substr(40, 6); // The processing code 
    string amount = msgStr.substr(46, 12); // The amount 
    string transaction_number = msgStr.substr(68, 6); // The trace number 
    string magnetic_number = msgStr.substr(122, 16); // The track2data 
    string database = msgStr.substr(128, 2); // Which database we query 
    string etsl_number = hexStringToAsciiString(msgStr.substr(146, 24), 12); // The retreival reference number 

    subMsg = "0430B23A00000A0080000000004000000000"; 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(40, 48); 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(146, 24); 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    if (atoi(database.c_str()) == 10) { 
     //cout << "\nChecking prowze database for reversal\n"; 
     subMsg = prowze_db_rev(processing_code, amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number); 
     //cout << "\nreturnCode: " << subMsg << "\n"; 
    } else if (atoi(database.c_str()) == 20) { 
     //cout << "\nChecking barter database for reversal\n"; 
     subMsg = barter_db_rev(processing_code, amount, transaction_number, magnetic_number, etsl_number); 
     //cout << "\nreturnCode: " << subMsg << "\n"; 
    } else { 
     subMsg = "3030"; 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    //subMsg = msgStr.substr(270,4); 
    //replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    //subMsg = msgStr.substr(318,42); 
    //replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    subMsg = msgStr.substr(316, 46); //changed from 336 to 316 due to the reversal issue,,,,not it should be fixed. 
    replyMsgStr = replyMsgStr.append(subMsg); 

    // Get message length 
    int length = replyMsgStr.length(); 
    length = length/2; 
    string msgLength = intToHex(length); 
    replyMsgStr = msgLength.append(replyMsgStr); 




小心分享它的死亡本質?段錯誤?指針無效?返回0併成功退出? – DevNull


其實它並沒有在前端運行。該程序由cron作業啓動。所以我真的不知道死亡的本質。除非有特殊的方法來找到這個! – Deepak


它只是死亡,並且cron作業再次啓動它。 – Deepak



if (sendLogoff)代碼,你似乎創建logoffMessage,但發送logonMessage。此外,如果消息是動態分配的,我不會看到你試圖在任何地方釋放它。




由於您將套接字設置爲非阻塞,因此您應該注意Loki Astari對短讀寫的警告以及他處理這些短信的建議。


$ command &> /tmp/command.log 

檢查我編輯的messageHandler代碼! – Deepak


但是有沒有機會自己關閉套接字?在while循環中,我沒有關閉任何地方的插槽...... – Deepak


@Deepak:我澄清了答案。另一側關閉了插座。 – jxh