2012-11-21 33 views

所以去年我寫了一個C程序,用於演示使用Lorenz方程和Runge Kutta方法求解微分方程的混沌。Visual Studio,在用戶點擊按鈕時繪製Lorenz混沌



using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 

namespace Lorenz_chaos 
public partial class Form1 : Form 
    public Form1() 
     private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 
     double a = 10, b = (8/3), r = 28;  //standard values for lorenz model 

     /*m defines the number of iterations of the for loop so the number of lines drawn 
     good idea to keep m inversely proportional to dt (the time interval). A smaller dt will 
     mean smaller lines so smoother overall drawing m=50000 and dt=0.0005 is a good starting point 
     that demonstrates chaos well*/ 
     double m = 500000, dt = 0.00005; 

     //values for first particle 
     double y11, y12, y13; 
     double y21, y22, y23; 
     double y31, y32, y33; 
     double y41, y42, y43; 
     double y51, y52, y53; 
     double xi, yi, xf, yf;   //coordinates for drawing particle 1 trajectory 

     double f10, f11, f12, f13;  //function values to be calculated, 
     double f20, f21, f22, f23;  //for fxy (x>1) these are intermediate fn calculations at different 
     double f30, f31, f32, f33;  //times in Runga Kutta 

     //values for second particle 
     double z11, z12, z13; 
     double z21, z22, z23; 
     double z31, z32, z33; 
     double z41, z42, z43; 
     double z51, z52, z53; 
     double ai, bi, af, bf;   //coordinates for drawing particle 2 trajectory (these are badly named...) 

     double g10, g11, g12, g13;  //equivalent of f values for particle 2 
     double g20, g21, g22, g23; 
     double g30, g31, g32, g33; 

     int i;   //for loop iteration integer 
     int k1 = 20; //scaling factors to make drawing fill form 
     int k2 = 9; 
     int y0 = 450; //offset values to centre drawing on form 
     int x0 = 550; 
     int start = 10; //starting position for calculations 
     double diff = 0.01;//initial displacement between two particles 

     //starting positions for particles    
     y11 = start;//particle 1 
     y12 = start; 
     y13 = start; 

     z11 = start + diff;//particle 2 
     z12 = start + diff; 
     z13 = start + diff; 

     //initial coords for particles at t=0 
     xi = (y11) * k1 + x0; 
     yi = (y12) * k2 + y0; 
     ai = (z11) * k1 + x0; 
     bi = (z12) * k2 + y0; 

     for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) 
      f10 = a * (y12 - y11); 
      f20 = r * y11 - y12 - y11 * y13; 
      f30 = y11 * y12 - b * y13; 

      y21 = y11 + f10 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the first 
      y22 = y12 + f20 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      y23 = y13 + f30 * dt/2; 

      f11 = a * (y22 - y21); 
      f21 = r * y21 - y22 - y21 * y23; 
      f31 = y21 * y22 - b * y23; 

      y31 = y11 + f11 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the second 
      y32 = y12 + f21 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      y33 = y13 + f31 * dt/2; 

      f12 = a * (y32 - y31); 
      f22 = r * y31 - y32 - y31 * y33; 
      f32 = y31 * y32 - b * y33; 

      y41 = y11 + f12 * dt;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the third 
      y42 = y12 + f22 * dt;    //fraction of dt 
      y43 = y13 + f32 * dt; 

      f13 = a * (y42 - y41); 
      f23 = r * y41 - y42 - y41 * y43; 
      f33 = y41 * y42 - b * y43; 

      y51 = y11 + (f10 + 2 * f11 + 2 * f12 + f13) * dt/6; //final y values at y(t+dt) 
      y52 = y12 + (f20 + 2 * f21 + 2 * f22 + f23) * dt/6; //then to be repesated in for loop for all steps 
      y53 = y13 + (f30 + 2 * f31 + 2 * f32 + f33) * dt/6; 

      xf = (y51) * k1 + x0; 
      yf = (y52) * k2 + y0; 

      //second particle calculation 
      g10 = a * (z12 - z11); 
      g20 = r * z11 - z12 - z11 * z13; 
      g30 = z11 * z12 - b * z13; 

      z21 = z11 + g10 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the first 
      z22 = z12 + g20 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      z23 = z13 + g30 * dt/2; 

      g11 = a * (z22 - z21); 
      g21 = r * z21 - z22 - z21 * z23; 
      g31 = z21 * z22 - b * z23; 

      z31 = z11 + g11 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the second 
      z32 = z12 + g21 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      z33 = z13 + g31 * dt/2; 

      g12 = a * (z32 - z31); 
      g22 = r * z31 - z32 - z31 * z33; 
      g32 = z31 * z32 - b * z33; 

      z41 = z11 + g12 * dt;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the third 
      z42 = z12 + g22 * dt;    //fraction of dt 
      z43 = z13 + g32 * dt; 

      g13 = a * (z42 - z41); 
      g23 = r * z41 - z42 - z41 * z43; 
      g33 = z41 * z42 - b * z43; 

      z51 = z11 + (g10 + 2 * g11 + 2 * g12 + g13) * dt/6; //final y values at y(t+dt) 
      z52 = z12 + (g20 + 2 * g21 + 2 * g22 + g23) * dt/6; //then to be repesated in for loop for all steps 
      z53 = z13 + (g30 + 2 * g31 + 2 * g32 + g33) * dt/6; 

      af = (z51) * k1 + x0; 
      bf = (z52) * k2 + y0; 

      System.Drawing.Graphics graphicsObj; 

      graphicsObj = this.CreateGraphics(); 

      Pen myPen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 1); 

      //myPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot; 

      graphicsObj.DrawLine(myPen, (int)xi, (int)yi, (int)xf, (int)yf); 

      myPen.Color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue; 

      graphicsObj.DrawLine(myPen, (int)ai, (int)bi, (int)af, (int)bf); 

      //first particle 
      xi = (y51) * k1 + x0; 
      yi = (y52) * k2 + y0; 
      y11 = y51; 
      y12 = y52; 
      y13 = y53; 

      //second particle 
      ai = (z51) * k1 + x0; 
      bi = (z52) * k2 + y0; 
      z11 = z51; 
      z12 = z52; 
      z13 = z53; 

      /*even at 1 the below makes the program far too slow, need an alternative 
      intention was for it to allow user to see the particle trajectories better*/ 





把你的Form1_Paint的代碼在一個單獨的方法,例如DrawLorenzChaos(Graphics graphicsObj , double a, double b, double r)。當您在表單中設置參數時,只需將一些bool值設置爲true即可。檢查代碼

private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 

      DrawLorenzChaos(e.Graphics, aVal, bVal, rVal); 


System.Drawing.Graphics graphicsObj; 

graphicsObj = this.CreateGraphics(); 



public partial class Form1 : Form 
    Bitmap offScrBuff; 
    Mutex mut; 
    int index = 0; 
    public Form1() 
     offScrBuff = new Bitmap(1000, 1000); 
     mut = new Mutex(); 
     pictureBox1.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(pictureBox1_Paint); 
     button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click); 

    void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 
     e.Graphics.DrawImage(offScrBuff, 0, 0); 

    void DrawLorenzChaos(double a, double b, double r) 
     //double a = 10, b = (8.0/3.0), r = 28;  //standard values for lorenz model 

     /*m defines the number of iterations of the for loop so the number of lines drawn 
     good idea to keep m inversely proportional to dt (the time interval). A smaller dt will 
     mean smaller lines so smoother overall drawing m=50000 and dt=0.0005 is a good starting point 
     that demonstrates chaos well*/ 
     double m = 500000, dt = 0.00005; 

     //values for first particle 
     double y11, y12, y13; 
     double y21, y22, y23; 
     double y31, y32, y33; 
     double y41, y42, y43; 
     double y51, y52, y53; 
     double xi, yi, xf, yf;   //coordinates for drawing particle 1 trajectory 

     double f10, f11, f12, f13;  //function values to be calculated, 
     double f20, f21, f22, f23;  //for fxy (x>1) these are intermediate fn calculations at different 
     double f30, f31, f32, f33;  //times in Runga Kutta 

     //values for second particle 
     double z11, z12, z13; 
     double z21, z22, z23; 
     double z31, z32, z33; 
     double z41, z42, z43; 
     double z51, z52, z53; 
     double ai, bi, af, bf;   //coordinates for drawing particle 2 trajectory (these are badly named...) 

     double g10, g11, g12, g13;  //equivalent of f values for particle 2 
     double g20, g21, g22, g23; 
     double g30, g31, g32, g33; 

     int i;   //for loop iteration integer 
     int k1 = 20; //scaling factors to make drawing fill form 
     int k2 = 9; 
     int y0 = 280; //offset values to centre drawing on form 
     int x0 = 400; 
     int start = 10; //starting position for calculations 
     double diff = 0.01;//initial displacement between two particles 

     //starting positions for particles    
     y11 = start;//particle 1 
     y12 = start; 
     y13 = start; 

     z11 = start + diff;//particle 2 
     z12 = start + diff; 
     z13 = start + diff; 

     //initial coords for particles at t=0 
     xi = (y11) * k1 + x0; 
     yi = (y12) * k2 + y0; 
     ai = (z11) * k1 + x0; 
     bi = (z12) * k2 + y0; 
     for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) 
      f10 = a * (y12 - y11); 
      f20 = r * y11 - y12 - y11 * y13; 
      f30 = y11 * y12 - b * y13; 

      y21 = y11 + f10 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the first 
      y22 = y12 + f20 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      y23 = y13 + f30 * dt/2; 

      f11 = a * (y22 - y21); 
      f21 = r * y21 - y22 - y21 * y23; 
      f31 = y21 * y22 - b * y23; 

      y31 = y11 + f11 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the second 
      y32 = y12 + f21 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      y33 = y13 + f31 * dt/2; 

      f12 = a * (y32 - y31); 
      f22 = r * y31 - y32 - y31 * y33; 
      f32 = y31 * y32 - b * y33; 

      y41 = y11 + f12 * dt;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the third 
      y42 = y12 + f22 * dt;    //fraction of dt 
      y43 = y13 + f32 * dt; 

      f13 = a * (y42 - y41); 
      f23 = r * y41 - y42 - y41 * y43; 
      f33 = y41 * y42 - b * y43; 

      y51 = y11 + (f10 + 2 * f11 + 2 * f12 + f13) * dt/6; //final y values at y(t+dt) 
      y52 = y12 + (f20 + 2 * f21 + 2 * f22 + f23) * dt/6; //then to be repesated in for loop for all steps 
      y53 = y13 + (f30 + 2 * f31 + 2 * f32 + f33) * dt/6; 

      xf = (y51) * k1 + x0; 
      yf = (y52) * k2 + y0; 

      //second particle calculation 
      g10 = a * (z12 - z11); 
      g20 = r * z11 - z12 - z11 * z13; 
      g30 = z11 * z12 - b * z13; 

      z21 = z11 + g10 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the first 
      z22 = z12 + g20 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      z23 = z13 + g30 * dt/2; 

      g11 = a * (z22 - z21); 
      g21 = r * z21 - z22 - z21 * z23; 
      g31 = z21 * z22 - b * z23; 

      z31 = z11 + g11 * dt/2;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the second 
      z32 = z12 + g21 * dt/2;    //fraction of dt 
      z33 = z13 + g31 * dt/2; 

      g12 = a * (z32 - z31); 
      g22 = r * z31 - z32 - z31 * z33; 
      g32 = z31 * z32 - b * z33; 

      z41 = z11 + g12 * dt;    //finding y1 y2 y3 at the third 
      z42 = z12 + g22 * dt;    //fraction of dt 
      z43 = z13 + g32 * dt; 

      g13 = a * (z42 - z41); 
      g23 = r * z41 - z42 - z41 * z43; 
      g33 = z41 * z42 - b * z43; 

      z51 = z11 + (g10 + 2 * g11 + 2 * g12 + g13) * dt/6; //final y values at y(t+dt) 
      z52 = z12 + (g20 + 2 * g21 + 2 * g22 + g23) * dt/6; //then to be repesated in for loop for all steps 
      z53 = z13 + (g30 + 2 * g31 + 2 * g32 + g33) * dt/6; 

      af = (z51) * k1 + x0; 
      bf = (z52) * k2 + y0; 


      System.Drawing.Graphics graphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(offScrBuff); 

      graphicsObj.DrawLine(Pens.Red, (int)xi, (int)yi, (int)xf, (int)yf); 

      graphicsObj.DrawLine(Pens.RoyalBlue, (int)ai, (int)bi, (int)af, (int)bf); 



      //first particle 
      xi = (y51) * k1 + x0; 
      yi = (y52) * k2 + y0; 
      y11 = y51; 
      y12 = y52; 
      y13 = y53; 

      //second particle 
      ai = (z51) * k1 + x0; 
      bi = (z52) * k2 + y0; 
      z11 = z51; 
      z12 = z52; 
      z13 = z53; 
      /*even at 1 the below makes the program far too slow, need an alternative 
      intention was for it to allow user to see the particle trajectories better*/ 


    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { DrawLorenzChaos(10.0, 8.0/3.0, 28); }); 

好吧這看起來不錯,我沒有得到一個問題(我認爲)該程序正在執行的事情的順序。所以我可以設置一切從三個文本框中讀取值,但是當我運行時,我只是得到一個大的紅十字,但是如果我只是將代碼中的值設置爲10,8/3和28,就像之前運行良好。另外由於某種原因,彈道在第一次完成後再次被拉伸,我不知道爲什麼因爲只有一條線可以繪製軌跡。從文本框中讀取我起訴引用和 aVal = double.Parse(aBox.Text); – Dmist


大的紅叉意味着繪圖時出現一些錯誤。你的解析是可以的。你不應該在paint方法中解析,而是在事件處理器之外解析。 –


刪除Thread.Sleep。只要提一下,你不能解析8/3。但是,你可以解析2.6666666 ... –