2017-03-01 91 views



/**close overlay function**/ 

    function closeNav(id) { 

    document.getElementById("myNav").style.height = "0%"; 





var APIurl = ""; 

     function(data) { 
      var i = 0; 
      $.each(data, function(key, value) { 
       console.log(key + ":" + value) 
       var JSONdata = JSON.stringify(data); 
       var NumOfJData = JSONdata.length; 

       $("#main").append("<div class='box' href='' id='boxmsg" + i + "' onclick='openNav(" + value.View_no + ")'> " + 
        "<div id='ca' class='rss-div-img' ><img width='260vw' height='280vh' " + 
        "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\" " + 
        "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\"></img>" + 
        "<div style='margin-top:4%;'>【" + value.View_title + "】</div>" + 
        "</div> </div>"); 

    function openNav(id) { 
     var APIurl = "" + id; 
      function(data) { 
       var i = 0; 
       $.each(data, function(key, value) { 
        console.log(key + ":" + value) 
        var JSONdata = JSON.stringify(data); 
        var NumOfJData = JSONdata.length; 

        $("#myNav").append("<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='closebtn' id='closebtn' onclick='closeNav(" + "detinfofrom" + id + ")'>&times;</a>" + 
         "<from id='detinfofrom" + id + "'><div class='overlay-content' id='info'>" + 

         "<div style='max-width:80vw;max-heigh:30vh;text-align:center;'><img width='270vw' height='280vh' style='float: left' " + 
         "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\" " + 
         "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\"></img>" + 

         "<img width='270vw' height='280vh' style='float: left' " + 
         "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img2 + "\" " + 
         "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img2 + "\"></img></div>" + 

         "<a href='#'>" + value.View_cont + "</a></div><from>"); 



     document.getElementById("myNav").style.height = "100%"; 
    /**close function**/ 
     function closeNav(id) { 

     document.getElementById("myNav").style.height = "0%"; 

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innerHTML = ''


function closeNav(id) { 

    var myNav = document.getElementById("myNav"); 

    myNav.style.height = "0%"; 
    myNav.innerHTML = ''; 


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    var APIurl = ""; 

     function(data) { 
      var i = 0; 
      $.each(data, function(key, value) { 
       console.log(key + ":" + value) 
       var JSONdata = JSON.stringify(data); 
       var NumOfJData = JSONdata.length; 

       $("#main").append("<div class='box' href='' id='boxmsg" + i + "' onclick='openNav(" + value.View_no + ")'> " + 
        "<div id='ca' class='rss-div-img' ><img width='260vw' height='280vh' " + 
        "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\" " + 
        "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\"></img>" + 
        "<div style='margin-top:4%;'>【" + value.View_title + "】</div>" + 
        "</div> </div>"); 

    function openNav(id) { 
     var APIurl = "" + id; 
      function(data) { 
       var i = 0; 
       $.each(data, function(key, value) { 
        console.log(key + ":" + value) 
        var JSONdata = JSON.stringify(data); 
        var NumOfJData = JSONdata.length; 

        $("#myNav").append("<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='closebtn' id='closebtn' onclick='closeNav(" + "detinfofrom" + id + ")'>&times;</a>" + 
         "<from id='detinfofrom" + id + "'><div class='overlay-content' id='info'>" + 

         "<div style='max-width:80vw;max-heigh:30vh;text-align:center;'><img width='270vw' height='280vh' style='float: left' " + 
         "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\" " + 
         "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img1 + "\"></img>" + 

         "<img width='270vw' height='280vh' style='float: left' " + 
         "href= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img2 + "\" " + 
         "src= \"" + value.View_url + value.View_img2 + "\"></img></div>" + 

         "<a href='#'>" + value.View_cont + "</a></div><from>"); 



     document.getElementById("myNav").style.height = "100%"; 
    /**close function**/ 
     function closeNav(id) { 
     var myNav = document.getElementById("myNav"); 

     myNav.style.height = "0%"; 
     myNav.innerHTML = ''; 
