我使用Google map api v2作爲我的應用程序abd在我的設備(android 2.3.7)中運行這個應用程序。它可以直接運行到設備,但當我導出應用程序到* .apk,然後安裝在此設備中,運行應用程序,它只顯示白色屏幕.....Android - Google map api v2&android 2.3.7
我使用Google map api v2作爲我的應用程序abd在我的設備(android 2.3.7)中運行這個應用程序。它可以直接運行到設備,但當我導出應用程序到* .apk,然後安裝在此設備中,運行應用程序,它只顯示白色屏幕.....Android - Google map api v2&android 2.3.7
You need to create the release certificate.
To create release certificate :
- After created the release keystore and signed the .APK. you can get the release certificate fingerprint.
- open Terminal and type the command:
keytool -list -v -keystore <your_keystore_name> -alias <your_alias_name>
<your_keystore_name> is the path and name of the keystore, including the .keystore extension.
<your_alias_name> is alias that you assigned to the certificate when you created it.
Now to register this release certificate in google console along with the debug certificate.
And Use that key in manifest file.
「正在運行直接」正在使用調試簽名(存儲在debug.keystore中)...如果您從eclipse「導出」應用程序,則使用發佈簽名來簽署應用程序...您沒有在Google控制檯中註冊發佈簽名或發佈簽名需要清單文件中的不同密鑰 – Selvin