在丟失互聯網訪問之前,我跑git fetch --all
來提取所有分支。從提取頭/不可用服務器的git pull
git pull
$ git checkout feature.a
Already on 'feature.a'
Your branch is behind 'origin/feature.a' by 7 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
$ git pull
ssh: Could not resolve hostname unavailable.example.com: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
'pull'只是'fetch'後面是'merge'。所以你現在需要做的是'git merge origin/branch mybranch'? – castis
完美運作。我真的沒有意識到pull執行了合併,而且我通過'origin/x'去了那個point_的原點。呵呵。這使得現在有了很好的意義。如果你想添加這個答案,我會接受。我在其他帖子之前讀過這個帖子.. –
好的,會做。 – castis