timeit $ print $ dynamic (5,5)
import Control.Monad.Memo
import Control.Monad.Identity
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type MemoQ = MemoT (Int, Int, Int) [Int]
type MemoV = MemoT (Int, Int, Int) Int
type MemoQV = MemoQ (MemoV Identity)
-- we are moving to (0,0) as we can always shift the world by substituting variables
-- due to symmetry of cost function it is enougth to solve for only positive x and y
dynamic :: Pos -> [Int]
dynamic (x, y) = lastUnique $ map (evalQ x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
evalQ :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
evalQ x y n = startEvalMemo . startEvalMemoT $ fqmon x y n
fqmon :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoQV [Int]
fqmon _ _ 0 = return [0,0,0,0]
fqmon x y n = do
let pts = neighbours (x, y)
let v = for3 memol1 fvmon n
let c = cost (x, y)
let q = fmap (c +) . uncurry v
traverse q pts
fvmon :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoQV Int
fvmon _ 0 0 = return 0
fvmon 0 x y = return $ cost (x, y)
fvmon n x y | limit = return 1000000
| otherwise = liftM minimum $ for3 memol0 fqmon x' y' (n - 1)
where x' = abs x
y' = abs y
limit = x' > 25 || y' > 25
cost :: Pos -> Int
cost (x, y) = abs x + abs y
neighbours :: Pos -> [Pos]
neighbours (x, y) = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
type Pos = (Int, Int)
dynamic :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
dynamic x y = lastUnique $ map (fq x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
fq :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fq _ _ 0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] -- Q at 0 step is 0 in all directions
fq x y n = (cost (x, y) +) . (uncurry $ fv n) <$> neighbours (x, y)
fv :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fv _ 0 0 = 0 -- V at (0, 0) is 0 at any atep
fv 0 x y = cost (x, y) -- V at 0 step is a cost
fv n x y = minimum $ fq x y (n - 1)
cost :: Pos -> Int
cost (x, y) = abs x + abs y
neighbours :: Pos -> [Pos]
neighbours (x, y) = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)]
dynamic :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
dynamic x y = lastUnique $ map (fqmem x y) [1 ..]
where lastUnique (x0:x1:xs) | x0 == x1 = x0
| otherwise = lastUnique (x1:xs)
-- memoizing version of fq
fqmem :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fqmem x y n = fqmem' x y n
where fqmem' = memo3 integral integral integral fq
-- memoizing version of fv
fvmem :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fvmem n x y = fvmem' n x y
where fvmem' = memo3 integral integral integral fv
fq :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
fq _ _ 0 = [0, 0, 0, 0] -- Q at 0 step is 0 in all directions
fq x y n = (cost (x, y) +) . (uncurry $ fvmem n) <$> neighbours (x, y)
fv :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
fv _ 0 0 = 0 -- V at (0, 0) is 0 at any atep
fv 0 x y = cost (x, y) -- V at 0 step is a cost
fv n x y = minimum $ fqmem x y (n - 1)
我看不出有什麼理由說明爲什麼這個軟件包不允許你編寫相互遞歸函數。就像'fun0 = memo $ \ x - > fun1(x-1)..; fun1 =備忘錄$ \ x - > .. fun0(x + 1)..'應該可以工作。對於第二個問題,沒有理由期望在函數的不同調用之間保存函數的輸出(事實上,這絕不會發生)。這不是純粹功能的記憶。 – user2407038
我根據這個頁面上的教程做了:https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monad-memo 據說在那裏使用備忘錄這兩個函數將無法正常工作,並建議我複製的方法。 至於執行時間。如何僅實現memoized表(map)的一次計算而不重新計算每次函數被調用? – aliko
1. memoT'會減少遞歸調用的計算時間。你所問的似乎是支持獨立的,非遞歸調用函數的記憶 - 對嗎? 2.你只在GHCi進行測試嗎?解釋器不適用於基準測試,您應該編譯(使用'-O2')並在性能受關注時測量二進制文件的運行時間。 –