2009-09-15 40 views

在創建一個SSIS包的SQL Server 2008我碰到下面的錯誤:爲什麼SSIS運行時無法啓動分佈式事務?

Error: The SSIS Runtime has failed to start the distributed transaction due to error 0x8004D01B "The Transaction Manager is not available.". The DTC transaction failed to start. This could occur because the MSDTC Service is not running.

我創建和我的機器上本地運行的方案,但數據庫的服務器上,運行Windows Server 2008,這是域中的而不是

我已確保DTC服務在本地和服務器上都啓動,並且添加了Windows Vista防火牆中預定義的防火牆例外。





這是一個常見的場景,如果你的機器是不是在一個域或運行Windows XP。


In my current project we have multiple SSIS developers in team and we all were sharing the database server instance in my system. We faced an issue yesterday when a team mate was trying to implement transactions in SSIS. The package fails in other machines although it is running smooth in my system where the database resides. The error message thrown out was,

The SSIS Runtime has failed to enlist the OLE DB connection in a distributed transaction with error 0x8004D00E 「The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted」

Soon we realized that this is something related to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MsDTC). We did some search and got a tool called 「Dtcping.exe」 which will check the health status of MsDTC processes in different machines. The tool reported an error 「Access denied」, hinting some security issue with in the MsDTC. But we were not lucky even after a couple of hours of Googling. Then I decided to lean the security settings for MsDTC and I found that all network related connectivity is disabled by default. I learned that authentication settings can cause trouble as our machines were running Windows XP and as they were in a work group (we have a strange network configuration in my organization). I changed to 「No Authentication Required」 for MsDTC instances in all machines and it worked! To change the Security Configuration for MsDTC, go to Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Component Services >> Computers >> Right click My Computer and then click Properties >> Click the MSDTC tab >> Click Security Configuration. Below is a screen shot of the settings that I used, but I do not recommend this configuration for all cases as I am not aware of the impact it can have on securiy.

Screen shot


謝謝安德魯的努力。我的博客早已死亡。我添加了一張我剛剛從網上下載的圖片,用於同樣的目的。 – Faiz 2013-08-12 07:11:52


錯誤:SSIS運行時未能啓動由於錯誤0x8004D01B分佈式事務「事務管理器不可用」。 DTC交易無法啓動。這可能是因爲MSDTC服務未運行。


我有同樣的問題,但是,MS DTC沒有在我的機器上運行。要打開事務處理協調器我不得不做以下幾點:


  1. 要打開服務,在開始菜單上,單擊控制面板。
  2. 在控制面板中,單擊管理工具。
  3. 在管理工具中,單擊服務。在詳細信息窗格中,單擊服務列表中的 Distributed Transaction Coordinator
  4. 在「操作」菜單上,單擊「開始」。

這是我第二次使用Google搜索,並回到這個帖子解決了我的問題。有誰知道它爲什麼會發生?或者我如何確保將來停止它? – Sam 2018-02-15 15:59:30
