2017-08-14 72 views


public interface IPalindromeEngine 
    Palindrome GetLongestPalindrome(string sequence); 

    Task<Palindrome> GetLongestPalindromeAsync(string sequence); 

    List<Palindrome> GetLongestPalindromes(string sequence, int n, bool uniqueOnly); 

    Task<List<Palindrome>> GetLongestPalindromesAsync(string sequence, int n, bool uniqueOnly); 


/// <summary> 
/// Computes the longest palindromic substring in linear time 
/// using Manacher's algorithm. 
/// The code is lifted from the following excellent reference 
/// http://www.leetcode.com/2011/11/longest-palindromic-substring-part-ii.html 
/// </summary> 
public class ManacherPalindromeEngine : IPalindromeEngine 
    // p[i] = length of longest palindromic substring of transform, centered at i. 
    private int[] p; 
    private char[] transform; 
    private string sequence; 

    private void Initialize() 
     transform = new char[sequence.Length * 2 + 3]; 
     transform[0] = '$'; 
     transform[sequence.Length * 2 + 2] = '@'; 
     for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; ++i) 
      transform[2 * i + 1] = '#'; 
      transform[2 * i + 2] = sequence[i]; 
     transform[sequence.Length * 2 + 1] = '#'; 

    private void ExtractPalindromesViaManacher(string sequence) 
     this.sequence = sequence; 

     int center = 0, right = 0; 
     p = new int[transform.Length]; 
     for (int i = 1; i < transform.Length - 1; i++) 
      int mirror = 2 * center - i; 

      if (right > i) 
       p[i] = Math.Min(right - i, p[mirror]); 

      // Attempt to expand palindrome centered at i. 
      while (transform[i + (1 + p[i])] == transform[i - (1 + p[i])]) 

      // If palindrome centered at i expands past right, 
      // adjust center based on expanded palindrome. 
      if (i + p[i] > right) 
       center = i; 
       right = i + p[i]; 

    public Palindrome GetLongestPalindrome(string sequence) 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sequence)) 
      return null; 


     int length = 0; 
     int center = 0; 
     for (int i = 1; i < p.Length - 1; ++i) 
      if (p[i] > length) 
       length = p[i]; 
       center = i; 
     int startIndex = (center - 1 - length)/2; 
     string s = this.sequence.Substring(startIndex, length); 
     return new Palindrome(s, startIndex); 

    public Task<Palindrome> GetLongestPalindromeAsync(string sequence) 
     return Task.Run(() => GetLongestPalindrome(sequence)); 

    public List<Palindrome> GetLongestPalindromes(string sequence, int n, bool uniqueOnly) 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sequence)) 
      return null; 


     List<Palindrome> palindromes = null; 
     if (uniqueOnly) 
      palindromes = p 
       .Select((l, i) => new { Length = l, Index = i }) 
       .OrderByDescending(c => c.Length) 
       .Select(c => 
        int startIndex = (c.Index - 1 - c.Length)/2; 
        string s = this.sequence.Substring(startIndex, c.Length); 
        return new Palindrome(s, startIndex); 
      palindromes = palindromes 
       .Distinct(new Palindrome.DuplicateComparer()) 
      palindromes = p 
       .Select((l, i) => new { Length = l, Index = i }) 
       .OrderByDescending(c => c.Length) 
       .Select(c => 
        int startIndex = (c.Index - 1 - c.Length)/2; 
        string s = this.sequence.Substring(startIndex, c.Length); 
        return new Palindrome(s, startIndex); 
     return palindromes; 

    public Task<List<Palindrome>> GetLongestPalindromesAsync(string sequence, int n, bool uniqueOnly) 
     return Task.Run(() => GetLongestPalindromes(sequence, n, uniqueOnly)); 

public class Palindrome 
    public Palindrome(string sequence, int startIndex) 
     Sequence = sequence; 

     if (startIndex < 0) 
      throw new ArgumentException("startIndex must be >= 0"); 
     StartIndex = startIndex; 

    public int StartIndex { get; set; } 

    public int Length 
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Sequence)) 
       return 0; 
      return Sequence.Length; 

    public string Sequence { get; } 

    internal class DuplicateComparer : IEqualityComparer<Palindrome> 
     public bool Equals(Palindrome x, Palindrome y) 
      return x.Sequence == y.Sequence; 

     public int GetHashCode(Palindrome obj) 
       int hash = 17; 
       return hash * 23 + obj.Sequence.GetHashCode(); 




  1. weeewweeew開始:0長度:10
  2. weeew開始:0長度:5
  3. ee開始:1長度:2

  4. 爲什麼我沒有得到字符串「eeewweee」或「eee」?



老實說,我沒有看到一個點,有什麼東西異步方法是CPU綁定來包裝另一個叫'Task.Run'。爲什麼不讓調用者決定是否要在單獨的線程中運行代碼。 – juharr


公平點。我想這是一個偏好問題。當鏈接等待呼叫時,它使呼叫更清潔。 – MoonKnight


palindromes = p 
    .Select((l, i) => new { Length = l, Index = i }) 
    .OrderByDescending(c => c.Length) 


.SelectMany(c => 
    int startIndex = (c.Index - 1 - c.Length)/2; 
    int numSubPalindromes = (c.Length + 1)/2; 
    Palindrome[] subPalindromes = new Palindrome[numSubPalindromes]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < numSubPalindromes; ++i) { 
     String s = this.sequence.Substring(startIndex + i, c.Length - i * 2); 
     subPalindromes[i] = new Palindrome(s, startIndex + i); 
    return subPalindromes; 

現貨。我去了心理......感謝你的時間。 – MoonKnight