因此,作爲我在Code Academy之外的第一個python項目,我決定在pygame上創建一個基本的分子動力學模擬器。它可以很好地工作一段時間,但是一旦電子開始移動得太快,並且將所有其他電子從原子上剝離,我就會在標題中看到TypeError。我不知道這是從哪裏來的,只是在程序運行足夠長的時間後纔會出現,讓我搞亂了所有的物理。TypeError:不可用類型:'list'(幾幀到程序中)
現在我知道這個錯誤告訴我,我正在嘗試將一個列表傳遞給我不應該的地方,但是我已經查看了該程序並且無法確定它在哪裏。這個錯誤會彈出來,告訴電子如何軌道運行他們的原子angle = findA(particles[el], particles[nuc]) + 0.001
import sys, pygame, math
from pygame.locals import *
sizeScreen = width, height = 1000, 700
sizeMenu = width, height = 652, 700
e = 1.6 * 10 ** -19
particles = {}
mx, my = 0, 0
selected = []
def findOrbital(el):
for a in particles:
if a != el and particles[a][4] != 'el':
if findD(particles[el], particles[a]) < 5 * 10 ** -11 and PTI[particles[a][4]][7] > len(particles[a][5]):
def searcher(List, item):
for a in List:
if a == item:
return True
return False
def moveAtEls(el, nuc):
angle = findA(particles[el], particles[nuc]) + 0.001
particles[el][0] = particles[nuc][0] + 50 * math.cos(angle)
particles[el][1] = particles[nuc][1] + 50 * math.sin(angle)
def check(each):
if particles[each][0] < 175:
particles[each][2] = -particles[each][2]
particles[each][0] = 175
elif particles[each][0] > 1000:
particles[each][2] = -particles[each][2]
particles[each][0] = 1000
if particles[each][1] < 0:
particles[each][3] = -particles[each][3]
particles[each][1] = 0
elif particles[each][1] > 700:
particles[each][3] = -particles[each][3]
particles[each][1] = 700
if particles[each][4] == 'el':
a = 'n'
if a != 'n':
def findD(self, other):
return math.hypot((self[0] - other[0]), (self[1] - other[1])) * 0.62 * 10 ** -12
def findA(self, other):
return math.atan2((self[1] - other[1]), (self[0] - other[0]))
def move(self):
for other in particles:
if particles[other] != self and self[5] != particles[other] [5] and not searcher(self[5], other):
D = findD(self, particles[other])
if D == 0:
angle = findA(self, particles[other])
F = 8987550000 * (PTI[self[4]][4] * PTI[particles[other][4]][4] * e ** 2)/D ** 2
a = int(F/PTI[self[4]][5])
ax = a * math.cos(angle)
ay = a * math.sin(angle)
self[2] += ax/(10 ** 16)
self[3] += ay/(10 ** 16)
self[0] += self[2]/(10 ** 8)
self[1] += self[3]/(10 ** 8)
pressed = ''
press = {'Katom':[2,148,2,32,0],'Knuc':[2,148,36,66,0],'Kel':[2,148,70,100,0]}
PTI = {'el':[0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 9.11 * 10 ** -31, pygame.image.load("electron.png"), 2],
'HNuc' : [185, 214, 8, 37, 1, 1.7 * 10 ** -27, pygame.image.load("nuc/HNuc.png"), 2, 1],
'HeNuc': [586, 613, 8, 37, 2, 6.6 * 10 ** -27, pygame.image.load("nuc/HeNuc.png"), 2, 2],
'LiNuc': [185, 214, 40, 69, 1, 1.16 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/LiNuc.png"), 8, 1],
'BeNuc': [216, 246, 40, 69, 2, 1.53 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/BeNuc.png"), 8, 2],
'BNuc' : [428, 457, 40, 69, 3, 1.84 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/BNuc.png"), 8, 3],
'CNuc' : [460, 489, 40, 69, 4, 2.04 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/CNuc.png"), 8, 4],
'NNuc' : [492, 520, 40, 69, 5, 2.38 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/NNuc.png"), 8, 5],
'ONuc' : [523, 551, 40, 69, 6, 2.72 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/ONuc.png"), 8, 6],
'FNuc' : [554, 583, 40, 69, 7, 3.23 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/FNuc.png"), 8, 7],
'NeNuc': [586, 613, 40, 69, 8, 3.43 * 10 ** -26, pygame.image.load("nuc/NeNuc.png"), 8, 8]}
menu = pygame.display.set_mode(sizeMenu)
screenColor = pygame.Color(255, 255, 220)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(sizeScreen)
edgeObj = pygame.image.load("edge.png")
addEl = [pygame.image.load('addElectron1.png'), pygame.image.load('addElectron2.png')]
addAtom = [pygame.image.load("addAtom1.png"), pygame.image.load("addAtom2.png"), pygame.image.load("atomTable.png")]
addNucleus = [pygame.image.load("addNuc1.png"), pygame.image.load("addNuc2.png"), pygame.image.load("NucTable.png")]
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:
mx, my = event.pos
mouseState = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if mouseState[0]:
for key in press:
if press[key][0] < mx <press[key][1] and press[key][2] < my < press[key][3]:
pressed = key
press[key][4] = 1
if not mouseState[0] and pressed == 'Kel':
particles[len(particles)] = [mx, my, 0, 0, 'el', []]
pressed = ''
press['Kel'][4] = 0
if pressed != '':
if not mouseState[0]:
if press[pressed][0] < mx <press[pressed][1] and press[pressed][2] < my < press[pressed][3]:
press[pressed][4] = 2
pressed = ''
if press['Knuc'][4] == 2 or press['Katom'][4] == 2:
if mouseState[0]:
if 621 < mx < 651 and 2 < my < 14:
press['Knuc'][4] = 0
press['Katom'][4] = 0
if press['Knuc'][4] == 2:
for nuc in PTI:
if PTI[nuc][0] < mx < PTI[nuc][1] and PTI[nuc][2] < my < PTI[nuc][3]:
press['Knuc'][4] = 0
if press['Katom'][4] == 2:
for nuc in PTI:
if PTI[nuc][0] < mx < PTI[nuc][1] and PTI[nuc][2] < my < PTI[nuc][3]:
a = 0
while a < PTI[nuc][8]:
a += 1
press['Katom'][4] = 0
if selected != []:
if not mouseState[0]:
a = len(particles)
particles[a] = [mx, my, 0, 0, selected[0], [b for b in range(a+1, len(selected)-1)]]
for item in selected:
if item != selected[0]:
particles[len(particles)] = [mx, my, 0, 0, item, [a]]
selected = []
for each in particles:
if len(particles[each][5]) > 0 and particles[each][4] == 'el':
moveAtEls(each, particles[each][5][0])
particles[each][5] = []
for a in particles:
screen.blit(PTI[particles[a][4]][6], (particles[a][0] - 29, particles[a][1] - 31))
menu.blit(edgeObj, (0, 0))
menu.blit(addNucleus[press['Knuc'][4]], (2, 2))
menu.blit(addAtom[press['Katom'][4]], (2, 2))
menu.blit(addEl[press['Kel'][4]], (2, 2))
下一次,我就堅持到print("Hello, World!")
在findA中的語句周圍試一試。 TypeError除外。在except子句中,打印自己,其他可能是type(self),type(other)或者只是打印locals(),因爲它是一個非常簡單的函數。重新提出異常。你將能夠看到你是否通過它,你認爲你通過它。如果您使用的是Windows/Idle,則可以使用Debug菜單項的StackViewer選項檢查堆棧。 – wwii