2015-04-24 56 views


 A   B   C   D   E      AD   
      capital_1 capital_2 capital_3 capital_4 ······ capital_30 
1 capital_1 
2 capital_2 ' 
3 capital_3 '   ' 
4 capital_4 '   '   ' 

    capital_30 '   '   '   ' 



Can --reshape--有用嗎? – zlqs1985


是的。你試過了嗎?你有什麼問題,如果有的話? –


只能重申:一個標準的'重塑長'應該在這裏工作。如果您遇到問題,請回報。如果是這樣,請告訴我們一些代碼與您的嘗試和問題的明確描述。 –




//import data from excel file 
import excel using distance.xls 
* rename the variable name 
* (to make it more well orgnized to facilitie use of --reshape-- command 
* rename the first column 
ren A id 
* rename the following variables 
local i=0 
foreach var of varlist B-AF { 
    local j=`i'+1 
    local i=`i'+1 
    ren `var' distance`j' 

* reshape the data 
reshape long distance,i(id) j(city) 
tostring city,replace 
***the following part is really urgly, because I don't know how 
*to gen a one-to-one mapping between orginal province name and 
*the new generated variable name like distance`j',I have to recover 
*them by hand, I hope someone can help me to improve this part** 
replace city="北京" if city=="1" 
replace city="天津" if city=="2" 
replace city="河北" if city=="3" 
replace city="山西" if city=="4" 
replace city="內蒙古" if city=="5" 
replace city="遼寧" if city=="6" 
replace city="吉林" if city=="7" 