的價值將是足夠隨機的。也許最好自己做一些隨機化。一種方法是 隨機選擇從哈希表桶,並採取begin()
#include <unordered_set>
#include <random>
// Assume that T is some arbitrary type for which std::hash<T> is defined
std::unordered_set<T> myset;
// put some elements into the set
unsigned bcount = myset.bucket_count(); // get the number of buckets
std::mt19937 rng(time(0)); // random number generator (seeded with time(0))
// returns a number in [0, bcount - 1]
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> d(0, bcount - 1);
// returns a random bucket index
unsigned rbucket = d(rng);
// returns the beginning element of the selected bucket
auto it = myset.begin(rbucket);
myset.erase(it); // removes the selected element
#include <unordered_set>
#include <random>
// Assume that T is some arbitrary type for which std::hash<T> is defined
std::unordered_set<T> myset;
// put some elements into the set
std::mt19937 rng(time(0)); // random number generator (seeded with time(0))
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> d(0, myset.size() - 1);
// returns a random number from [0, myset.size() - 1]
unsigned r = d(rng);
// iterates through the container to the r-th element
auto it = myset.begin();
for(; it != myset.end() && r > 0; ++it, r--);
myset.erase(it); // erasing the selected element
取決於它有多麼隨機。例如,如果你有兩個相同的集合,他們的開始迭代器可能指向相同的元素......你無法預測那些元素將會是什麼。 – immibis
'begin()'方法指向一個實現定義的元素。我認爲這不太可能是隨機的。 – Galik
嗯...即使'rand'函數通常是僞隨機的權利 – Arch1tect