最大的問題在於代碼,不管輸入到VideoCapture cap()的哪個數字,它總是會找到我的筆記本電腦的內部webcap - 或者不再嘗試。 我試過去裝置和停用內部的一個,但 它沒有什麼好處。 (順便說一句,我是新在這個論壇,所以要溫柔。)如何使用OpenCV訪問外部攝像頭?
int main()
VideoCapture cap(0);//capture image from webcam
Mat image;
cap>>image; //applying the captured image to Mat image
//Mat image = imread("Tulips.jpg"); // reading the image
double degrees; // Number of degrees we want to rotate the image
double oregoX = image.cols/2; //X-center of the image
double oregoY = image.rows/2; //Y-center of the image
//user inputs
cout << "please enter the number of degrees you wish to turn the image" << endl;
cin >> degrees;
cout << "\n\nplease enter at which point (X, Y) you want to rotate the image\n(make space not comma)\n" << endl;
cout << "The center of the image is at " << oregoX << ", " << oregoY << endl;
cin >> oregoX >> oregoY;
while (true){
if (!image.data) break;
if (waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
cvtColor(image, image, CV_8U); //Converting image to 8-bit
Mat grayImage; //creating a canvas for the grayscale image
cvtColor(image, grayImage, CV_RGB2GRAY); //creating the grayscale image
// Here we create a canvas with the same size as the input image, later to put in the rotated data
Mat imageOut(grayImage.rows, grayImage.cols, CV_8U);
Rotation(grayImage, imageOut, degrees, oregoX, oregoY); //Performing the rotation on the image using the Rotation() funcion
imshow("The Gray Image", grayImage);
imshow("The rotated image", imageOut);
你在使用什麼操作系統?我懷疑它可能是一個操作系統問題 –
你介意用'C'-接口而不是'C++'並使用'cvCaptureFromCAM(int device)'而不是'VideoCapture'類來設置一個非常簡單的例子嗎? – Atmocreations
爲了避免進一步的故障排除,我重試了內部攝像頭的禁用功能 - 它突然生效。我正在使用Windows 7. 所以得出結論: 設備管理器 - >找到內部攝像頭 - >禁用內部攝像頭。 對不起,浪費你的時間。 –