select distinct on (cluster_info.cluster_id, feed_id)
cluster_info.cluster_id, num_docs, feed_id, url_time
from url_info
join cluster_info on (cluster_info.cluster_id = url_info.cluster_id)
where feed_id in (select pot_seeder from potentials)
and num_docs > 5 and url_time > '2012-04-16';
select distinct on (cluster_info.cluster_id, feed_id)
cluster_info.cluster_id, num_docs, feed_id, url_time
from url_info join cluster_info
on (cluster_info.cluster_id = url_info.cluster_id)
where feed_id in (select pot_seeder from potentials)
and num_docs > 5 and url_time > '2012-04-16'
order by num_docs desc;
ERROR: SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions
LINE 1: select distinct on (cluster_info.cluster_id, feed_id) cluste...
我想我需要GROUP BY,因爲我提到了第二個答案:ERROR:列「c.num_docs」必須出現在GROUP BY子句中或用於聚合函數 – WildBill 2012-04-21 21:25:38
Your第一個答案給出以下錯誤:錯誤:SELECT DISTINCT ON表達式必須匹配初始ORDER BY表達式 LINE 3:SELECT DISTINCT ON(c.cluster_id,feed_id) – WildBill 2012-04-21 21:26:08
@WildBill:您可能錯過了第一個查詢的更新。我在我的第一個版本中修正了一個錯誤。至於第二個查詢:如果您提供缺少的信息哪些列屬於哪個表以及哪些主鍵和您的PostgreSQL版本,我的答案可能更具體。 – 2012-04-21 22:21:57