我在做一個練習。目標是讓C程序破解DES加密密碼。 現在我有以下執行流程:pthread總線錯誤
- 加載字典。
- 字典搜索。
- 蠻力搜索前4個字符。
- 字典搜索結合蠻力(搜索 組合)。只有7-6個字符的字典單詞。
- 蠻力搜索前5個字符。
- 字典搜索結合蠻力(搜索 組合)。只有5-4個字符的字典單詞。
- 蠻力搜索最多8個字符。
程序工作正常,但我想通過使用多個 線程來提高它: 一號線 - 主 第二線程 - 字典和詞典用蠻力結合 搜索 3線 - 蠻力搜索
我已經開始製作一個基本字典搜索線程功能,但是 它總線錯誤(Mac OS X)失敗,它應該從字典文件開始讀取字 。相同的代碼工作在常規非 線程函數細...
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MAXLINE 40
#define MAXPASS 9
/* dictionary search thread function */
void * dictionary(void * argv)
/* initializing SALT */
char salt[3]; // defining salt (length is always 2 chars + "\0")
strncpy(salt, argv, 2); // copying the first 2 characters from encrypted password to salt
salt[2] = '\0'; // placing null character to make salt a string
/* defining and initializing password */
char password[14];
strcpy(password, argv);
/* defining candidate */
char candidate[MAXPASS];
/* opening file */
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("/usr/share/dict/words", "r")) == NULL)
printf("Error: Can not open file.\n");
return (void *) -1;
printf("Open file: Ok\n");
char line[MAXLINE];
printf("Counting words: ");
/* counting words the file contains */
int ctr = 0; // words counter variable
int len; // store length of the current line
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL && line[0] != '\n')
if ((len = strlen(line)) <= MAXPASS && len >= 4)
ctr++; // will be real+1 when the loop ends
ctr--; // adjusting to real words count
rewind(fp); // go back to the beginning of file
printf("%d words\n", ctr);
/* create an array of strings and fill it with the words from the dictionary */
printf("Creating array for file contents: ");
char words[ctr][MAXPASS];
int i = 0; // loop counter variable
/************************************* BUS ERROR *********************************************/
printf("Reading file contents: ");
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL && line[0] != '\n')
if ((len = strlen(line)) <= MAXPASS && len >= 4)
line[len-1] = '\0';
strcpy(words[i], line);
printf("%d: %s\n", i, words[i]);
printf("Loaded %d words...\n", ctr);
/* closing file */
printf("Close file: ");
if (fclose(fp) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can not close file\n");
return (void *) -2;
/* starting search dictionary search */
printf("Starting Dictionary Search...\n");
int match = 0;
char * encrypted;
int n;
for (i = 0; i <= ctr && !match; i++)
encrypted = crypt(words[i], salt);
if ((strcmp(encrypted, password)) == 0) // if candidate == password
match = 1;
strcpy(candidate, words[i]);
printf("Password: %s\n", candidate);
return (void *) 1;
return (void *) 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
/* if there are less/more than 1 argument, notify the user and exit with an error code 1 */
if (argc != 2) // first argument is always the name of the program
printf("Error 1: Wrong number of arguments\n");
return 1;
/* if the length of the argument is less/more than 13 characters, notify the user and exit with an error code 2 */
int length = strlen(argv[1]);
if (length != 13)
printf("Error 2: The length of an encrypted password should be 13 characters\n");
return 2;
pthread_t dct; // dictionary thread identifier
void *status; // thread return value
/* creating dictionary thread */
printf("Waiting for thread to terminate...\n");
//printf("Return Value: %d\n",(int)status);
return 0;
請將您的代碼粘貼到此處,而不是在其他某個網站上。 http://stackoverflow.com/是這裏成爲高質量問題和答案的存儲庫;當你的代碼主機關閉他們的大門或過期時,會發生什麼?這將變得(更)無用,對未來的其他人沒有任何幫助。謝謝! – sarnold 2011-12-18 11:01:20
好多了,謝謝@Cody。 – sarnold 2011-12-18 11:07:02
對不起,在pastebin上發佈代碼,但我是新來的stackoverflow和格式化代碼有困難... – user903673 2011-12-18 11:12:44