我已經寫了下面的代碼,並得到以下錯誤,我相信它與我如何加入國家表,但不能解決如何修理。任何人都可以點我在正確的方向,請更新Msg 4104,Level 16,State 1,Procedure cst_priceimporter,Line 37
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure cst_priceimporter, Line 37
The multi-part identifier "country.price" could not be bound.
create procedure cst_priceimporter as
declare @todayDt datetime
declare @dtfirst int
declare @dtweek int
declare @iswkday bit
select @todayDt = convert(varchar,getdate(),101)
set @dtfirst = @@datefirst - 1
set @dtweek = datepart(weekday, @todayDt) -1
if (@dtfirst + @dtweek) % 7 = 0
set @todaydt = @todaydt- 2
update SecPriceHist
set fxrate = 1/fxrate
from SecPriceHist sph
join sec s
on sph.id = s.id
and sph.priceSource = 'DFLT'
and sph.hdate = @todayDt
and sph.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and sph.id <> 'SEK'
update country
set country.price = 1/country.price
from country c
join sec s
on s.country = c.country
and s.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and s.id <> 'SEK'
join secpricehist sph
on sph.id = s.id
and s.country = c.country
and sph.priceSource = 'DFLT'
and sph.hdate = @todayDt
and sph.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and sph.id <> 'SEK'
set @todaydt = @todaydt- 1
update SecPriceHist
set fxrate = 1/fxrate
from SecPriceHist sph
join sec s
on sph.id = s.id
and sph.priceSource = 'DFLT'
and sph.hdate = @todayDt
and sph.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and sph.id <> 'SEK'
update country
set country.price = 1/country.price
from country c
join sec s
on s.country = c.country
and s.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and s.id <> 'SEK'
join secpricehist sph
on sph.id = s.id
and s.country = c.country
and sph.priceSource = 'DFLT'
and sph.hdate = @todayDt
and sph.dateStamp between DATEADD(mi,-1,getdate()) and getdate()
and s.sectype <2 and s.country not in ('SupraNational','ZMultiCountry')
and sph.id <> 'SEK'