2013-12-09 32 views


每個「歌曲」是逗號分隔的字符串,如下所示:「SONGID1,SONGID2,1:13,2:10,4:6,7:15,....」其中前兩個條目是歌曲的ID標籤,然後是歌詞(冒號左邊的數字)和歌曲中使用的詞語的次數(冒號右邊的數字)。在上面的例子中,這意味着在給定的歌曲中,「I」(5000個最常用術語中的第一個條目「1」)出現13次,而「the」(第二常用術語)出現10次, 等等。

我想要做的就是從這個「termID:termCount」格式轉到實際「重新創建」原始(儘管是混亂)歌詞,其中我將冒號左邊的數字設置爲實際詞條,然後列出這些術語在術語計算在冒號右側的情況下是適當的次數。再次,使用上面的簡短示例,我的首選結果輸出爲:「SONGID1,SONGID2,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the the the the the and the and and and and and ...」等等。謝謝!



也許以下(未經測試)會激勵你。你沒有說如何你想要輸出,所以你可能想要更改print() s文件寫入或什麼。

//assumes that each word is on its own line, sorted from most to least common 
String[] words = loadStrings("words.txt"); 

//two approaches: 
//loadStrings() again, but a lot of memory usage for big files. 
//buffered reader, which is more complicated but works well for large files. 
BufferedReader reader = createReader("songs.txt"); 
String line = reader.readLine(); 
while(line != null){ 
    String[] data = line.split(","); 
    print(data[0] + ", " + data[1]); //the two song IDs 
    for(int i = 2; i < data.length; i++){ 
    String[] pair = data[i].split(":"); 
    // inelegant, but clear. You may have to subtract 1, if 
    // the words index from 1 but the array indexes from 0 
    for(int j = 0; j < int(pair[1]); j++) 
     print(words[int(pair[0])] + " "); 
    line = reader.readLine(); 