我在ADS sql表觸發器上啓動以存儲對一個特定表執行的更改。這裏的想法是:Sql觸發器保存對審計跟蹤表的更改
//-------- sql trigger to store changes on patients table to auditLog Table
declare cChanges Char(5000);
declare allColumns Cursor ;
declare FieldName Char(25);
declare StrSql Char(255);
declare @new cursor as select * from __new;
declare @old cursor as select * from __old;
open @old;
fetch @old;
open @new;
fetch @new;
Set cChanges = '';
Open AllColumns as Select * from system.columns where parent = 'patients';
while fetch allColumns DO
// Try
FieldName = allColumns.Name;
StrSql = 'IF @new.'+FieldName
+ '<> @old.'+FieldName
+' and @old.'+FieldName + '<> [ ] THEN '
+ 'cChanges = Trim('+cChanges+') + @old.'+FieldName
+ ' Changed to ' + '@new.'+fieldname
+ ' | '+ 'ENDIF ; ' ;
Execute Immediate StrSql ;
// Catch ALL
// End Try;
End While;
if cChanges <> '' THEN
Insert Into AuditLog (TableKey, Patient, [table], [user], creation, Changes)
values(@new.patient, @new.patient, [Patietns], User(), Now(), cChanges) ;
CLOSE AllColumns;
未必是恰當的,但「值(@ new.patient,@ new.patient,[惡性血液病],用戶()... 「一個錯字(即[Patietns]? – 2011-04-01 23:19:33