所以形狀的填充顏色怎麼辦我: 一)按照音量縮放返回值(音量0-100) b)增亮顏色(例如,紅色按縮放的返回值)
注意。其重要的是,如果價值> 0,顏色變亮0
private void _t_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
int ret = BassWasapi.BASS_WASAPI_GetData(_fft, (int)BASSData.BASS_DATA_FFT8192); //get ch.annel fft data
if (ret < -1) return;
int x, y;
int b0 = 0;
//computes the spectrum data, the code is taken from a bass_wasapi sample.
for (x = 0; x < _lines; x++)
float peak = 0;
int b1 = (int)Math.Pow(2, x * 10.0/(_lines - 1));
if (b1 > 1023) b1 = 1023;
if (b1 <= b0) b1 = b0 + 1;
for (; b0 < b1; b0++)
if (peak < _fft[1 + b0]) peak = _fft[1 + b0];
y = (int)(Math.Sqrt(peak) * 3 * 255 - 4);
if (y > 255) y = 255;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
//Console.Write("{0, 3} ", y);
if (DisplayEnable) _spectrum.Set(_spectrumdata);
for (int i = 0; i < _spectrumdata.ToArray().Length; i++)
//if (_spectrumdata[i] > mth)
// _shapes.ToArray()[i].FillColor = _colors.ToArray()[i];// Class1.Increase(_colors.ToArray()[i], _spectrumdata[i]);
// _shapes.ToArray()[i].FillColor = Color.Black; //Class1.Increase(Color.Black, _spectrumdata[i]);
//double d = Math.Round(((float)_spectrumdata[i])/255 , 2);
double[] d = GetScaling(_spectrumdata.ToArray(), 0,1);
if (_spectrumdata[i] > mth)
_shapes.ToArray()[i].FillColor = ControlPaint.Light(_colors.ToArray()[i], Convert.ToSingle(d[i]));
_shapes.ToArray()[i].FillColor = _colors.ToArray()[i]; ;// Color.Black; //Class1.Increase(Color.Black, _spectrumdata[i]);
catch (Exception)
catch (Exception)
int level = BassWasapi.BASS_WASAPI_GetLevel();
_l.Value = (Utils.LowWord32(level));
_r.Value = (Utils.HighWord32(level));
if (level == _lastlevel && level != 0) _hanctr++;
_lastlevel = level;
//Required, because some programs hang the output. If the output hangs for a 75ms
//this piece of code re initializes the output so it doesn't make a gliched sound for long.
if (_hanctr > 3)
_hanctr = 0;
_l.Value = (0);
_r.Value = (0);
Bass.BASS_Init(0, 44100, BASSInit.BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero);
_initialized = false;
Enable = true;
總是一個跛腳downvoter。你能回答這個問題嗎? – Eminem
總是一個跛腳的人試圖讓別人完成一切。你至少能證明你試圖做什麼,爲什麼它沒有工作?閱讀[問]併發布[mcve] –
第一次看到你的問題時,我通過了它,僅僅是因爲我不知道你正在使用的主題。我再次檢查並看到您的評論,這引發了我的大腦中的反應,單擊向下投票按鈕。需要幫助的態度是光明的。 – jdphenix