我有一系列的10個熊貓數據框,每個有100行和6列。我正在嘗試使用openpyxl將數據寫入xlsx。每個數據框應位於工作簿的單獨工作表中。這些表格正在創建中,但是,所有結果都只輸入到第一張表格中(所以我得到10張紙張,9張空白紙張和一張1000行 - 當我應該有10張100行的紙張時)。我怎樣才能解決這個問題?OPENPYXL填充新的工作表
from openpyxl import Workbook
# Create the hospital_ranking workbook
hospital_ranking = Workbook()
dest_filename1 = "hospital_ranking.xlsx"
ws1 = hospital_ranking.active
ws1.title = "Nationwide"
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows
# Write the nationwide query to ws1
for r in dataframe_to_rows(national_results, index = False, header = True):
for cell in ws1['A'] + ws1[1]:
cell.style = 'Pandas'
# Create the worksheet for each focus state
# CA
ws2 = hospital_ranking.create_sheet(title = 'California')
ws2 = hospital_ranking.active
# Write the CA query to ws2
for r in dataframe_to_rows(ca_results, index = False, header = True):
for cell in ws2['A'] + ws2[1]:
cell.style = 'Pandas'
hospital_ranking.save(filename = os.path.join("staging/") + dest_filename1)
'代碼' WS2 = hospital_ranking.create_sheet(標題= '加州') WS2 = hospital_ranking.get_sheet_by_name( '加州') WS2 = hospital_ranking.active '代碼' 仍然產生相同的結果 – zsad512
@ zsad512 - - 只是刪除'ws2 = hospital_ranking.active'它指向活動工作表(第一個) – PRMoureu