編輯您的〜/ .bashrc以包含以下內容,並且您應該在您的問題中獲得提示,以某些顏色差異爲模。
# Git provides a bash file to create an informative prompt. This is its standard
# location on Linux. On Mac, you should be able to find it under your Git
# installation. If you are unable to find the file, I have a copy of it on my GitHub.
# https://github.com/chadversary/home/blob/42cf697ba69d4d474ca74297cdf94186430f1384/.config/kiwi-profile/40-git-prompt.sh
source /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh
# Next, we need to define some terminal escape sequences for colors. For a fuller
# list of colors, and an example how to use them, see my bash color file on my GitHub
# and my coniguration for colored man pages.
# https://github.com/chadversary/home/blob/42cf697ba69d4d474ca74297cdf94186430f1384/.config/kiwi-profile/10-colors.sh
# https://github.com/chadversary/home/blob/42cf697ba69d4d474ca74297cdf94186430f1384/.config/kiwi-profile/40-less.sh
# To get a fancy git prompt, it's not sufficient to set PS1. Instead, we set PROMPT_COMMAND,
# a built in Bash variable that gets evaluated before each render of the prompt.
export PROMPT_COMMAND="PS1=\"\${color_start}\${color_bg_blue}\${color_end}\[email protected]\h [\w\$(__git_ps1 \" - %s\")]\${color_reset}\n\$ \""
# If you find that the working directory that appears in the prompt is ofter too long,
# then trim it.
這之後我得到:'bash下parse_git_branch:命令不found' –