2013-12-15 55 views

這是一個相當典型的make a century問題。我們有一個自然數列表。在OCaml創造一個世紀

我們有一個可能的運營商列表[Some '+'; Some '*';None]


(注a None b = a * 10 + b

例如,如果運營商列表是[Some '+'; Some '*'; None; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'; Some '+'],則該值是1 + 2 * 34 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 104

請找到所有可能的運營商名單,所以the value = 10





exception Cannot_compute 

let rec candidates n ops = 
    if n = 0 then [[]] 
    List.fold_left (fun acc op -> List.rev_append acc (List.map (fun x -> op::x) (candidates (n-1) ops))) [] ops 

let glue l opl = 
    let rec aggr acc_l acc_opl = function 
    | hd::[], [] -> (List.rev (hd::acc_l), List.rev acc_opl) 
    | hd1::hd2::tl, None::optl -> aggr acc_l acc_opl (((hd1*10+hd2)::tl), optl) 
    | hd::tl, (Some c)::optl -> aggr (hd::acc_l) ((Some c)::acc_opl) (tl, optl) 
    | _ -> raise Cannot_glue 
    aggr [] [] (l, opl) 

let compute l opl = 
    let new_l, new_opl = glue l opl in 
    let rec comp = function 
    | hd::[], [] -> hd 
    | hd::tl, (Some '+')::optl -> hd + (comp (tl, optl)) 
    | hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '-')::optl -> hd1 + (comp ((-hd2)::tl, optl)) 
    | hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '*')::optl -> comp (((hd1*hd2)::tl), optl) 
    | hd1::hd2::tl, (Some '/')::optl -> comp (((hd1/hd2)::tl), optl) 
    | _, _ -> raise Cannot_compute 
    comp (new_l, new_opl) 

let make_century l ops = 
    List.filter (fun x -> fst x = 100) (
    List.fold_left (fun acc x -> ((compute l x), x)::acc) [] (candidates ((List.length l)-1) ops)) 

let rec print_solution l opl = 
    match l, opl with 
    | hd::[], [] -> Printf.printf "%d\n" hd 
    | hd::tl, (Some op)::optl -> Printf.printf "%d %c " hd op; print_solution tl optl 
    | hd1::hd2::tl, None::optl -> print_solution ((hd1*10+hd2)::tl) optl 
    | _, _ ->() 


  1. computer l opl是使用數字列表和運算符列表進行計算。基本上這是一個典型的數學評估。有沒有更好的實施?
  2. 我已閱讀Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design中的第6章。它使用了一些技術來提高性能。我發現它真的很模糊,很難理解。 任何閱讀它的人都可以幫忙嗎?





我不明白計算結果的規則。計算不遵循任何明顯的優先級和關聯性規則。例如,'1 - 2 + 3'的計算結果爲-4,但'8/2 * 4'的計算結果爲16. –


作爲第二條評論,您的代碼無法處理諸如'1 + 23'之類的內容 –


@JeffreyScofield您是對的。我的代碼有這樣的問題。 –



這是我的解決方案,根據通常的優先規則進行評估。它在我的MacBook Pro上1/10秒內找到303個解決方案find [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9] 100


# 123 - 45 - 67 + 89;; 
- : int = 100 
# 1 * 2 * 3 - 4 * 5 + 6 * 7 + 8 * 9;; 
- : int = 100 


eval函數是標準的基於堆棧的中綴表達式評估,你會發現它描述了很多地方。這裏有一篇關於它的SO文章:How to evaluate an infix expression in just one scan using stacks?其實質是通過將操作符和操作數推入堆棧來推遲進行退出。當您發現下一位操作員的優先級較低時,您可以返回並評估您推送的內容。

type op = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Concat 

let prec = function 
    | Plus | Minus -> 0 
    | Times | Divide -> 1 
    | Concat -> 2 

let succ = function 
    | Plus -> Minus 
    | Minus -> Times 
    | Times -> Divide 
    | Divide -> Concat 
    | Concat -> Plus 

let apply op stack = 
    match op, stack with 
    | _, [] | _, [_] -> [] (* Invalid input *) 
    | Plus, a :: b :: tl -> (b + a) :: tl 
    | Minus, a :: b :: tl -> (b - a) :: tl 
    | Times, a :: b :: tl -> (b * a) :: tl 
    | Divide, a :: b :: tl -> (b/a) :: tl 
    | Concat, a :: b :: tl -> (b * 10 + a) :: tl 

let rec eval opstack numstack ops nums = 
    match opstack, numstack, ops, nums with 
    | [], sn :: _, [], _ -> sn 
    | sop :: soptl, _, [], _ -> 
     eval soptl (apply sop numstack) ops nums 
    | [], _, op :: optl, n :: ntl -> 
     eval [op] (n :: numstack) optl ntl 
    | sop :: soptl, _, op :: _, _ when prec sop >= prec op -> 
     eval soptl (apply sop numstack) ops nums 
    | _, _, op :: optl, n :: ntl -> 
     eval (op :: opstack) (n :: numstack) optl ntl 
    | _ -> 0 (* Invalid input *) 

let rec incr = function 
    | [] -> [] 
    | Concat :: rest -> Plus :: incr rest 
    | x :: rest -> succ x :: rest 

let find nums tot = 
    match nums with 
    | [] -> [] 
    | numhd :: numtl -> 
     let rec try1 ops accum = 
      let accum' = 
       if eval [] [numhd] ops numtl = tot then 
        ops :: accum 
      if List.for_all ((=) Concat) ops then 
      else try1 (incr ops) accum' 
     try1 (List.map (fun _ -> Plus) numtl) [] 

我相信這非常接近該書中教授的內容。你能否更詳細地解釋你的想法?也許從一個小號碼列表開始,比如[1; 2; 3]和小操作列表[Multiple; Plus; Concat]? –


(運算符列表總是比操作數列表短。) –



訣竅是跟蹤待定運算符和值,以便您可以輕鬆評估「無」運算符。也就是說,如果算法剛剛進行了1 + 23,待定運算符將爲+,待定值將爲23,允許您根據需要輕鬆生成1 + 23 + 41 + 234

type op = Add | Sub | Nothing 

let print_ops ops = 
    let len = Array.length ops in 
    print_char '1'; 
    for i = 1 to len - 1 do 
    Printf.printf "%s%d" (match ops.(i) with 
    | Add -> " + " 
    | Sub -> " - " 
    | Nothing -> "") (i + 1) 

let solve k target = 
    let ops = Array.create k Nothing in 
    let rec recur i sum pending_op pending_value = 
    let sum' = match pending_op with 
     | Add -> sum + pending_value 
     | Sub -> if sum = 0 then pending_value else sum - pending_value 
     | Nothing -> pending_value in 
    if i = k then 
     if sum' = target then print_ops ops else() 
     let digit = i + 1 in 
     ops.(i) <- Add; 
     recur (i + 1) sum' Add digit; 
     ops.(i) <- Sub; 
     recur (i + 1) sum' Sub digit; 
     ops.(i) <- Nothing; 
     recur (i + 1) sum pending_op (pending_value * 10 + digit) in 
    recur 0 0 Nothing 0 

請注意,這會生成重複項 - 我沒有打算解決這個問題。另外,如果你正在做這個練習以獲得功能性編程的強大功能,那麼拒絕這裏採取的命令式方法並尋找一個不使用任務的類似解決方案可能是有益的。


一個經典的動態規劃的解決方案(其立即找到= 104 解決方案)不冒險與運營商 關聯性或優先級任何問題。它只返回一個布爾值,表示是否可以使用 ;修改它以返回 操作序列以獲得解決方案是一個簡單但有趣的練習,我沒有動力去那麼遠。

let operators = [ (+); (*); ] 

module ISet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) 

let iter2 res1 res2 f = 
    res1 |> ISet.iter @@ fun n1 -> 
    res2 |> ISet.iter @@ fun n2 -> 
    f n1 n2 

let can_make input target = 
    let has_zero = Array.fold_left (fun acc n -> acc || (n=0)) false input in 
    let results = Array.make_matrix (Array.length input) (Array.length input) ISet.empty in 
    for imax = 0 to Array.length input - 1 do 
    for imin = imax downto 0 do 
     let add n = 
     (* OPTIMIZATION: if the operators are known to be monotonous, we need not store 
      numbers above the target; 

      (Handling multiplication by 0 requires to be a bit more 
      careful, and I'm not in the mood to think hard about this 
      (I think one need to store the existence of a solution, 
      even if it is above the target), so I'll just disable the 
      optimization in that case) 
     if n <= target && not has_zero then 
      results.(imin).(imax) <- ISet.add n results.(imin).(imax) in 
     let concat_numbers = 
     (* concatenates all number from i to j: 
      i=0, j=2 -> (input.(0)*10 + input.(1))*10 + input.(2) 
     let rec concat acc k = 
      let acc = acc + input.(k) in 
      if k = imax then acc 
      else concat (10 * acc) (k + 1) 
     in concat 0 imin 
     in add concat_numbers; 
     for k = imin to imax - 1 do 
     let res1 = results.(imin).(k) in 
     let res2 = results.(k+1).(imax) in 
     operators |> List.iter (fun op -> 
      iter2 res1 res2 (fun n1 n2 -> add (op n1 n2);); 
    let result = results.(0).(Array.length input - 1) in 
    ISet.mem target result