2017-04-12 86 views


FROM DISK = 'C:\Test\Test.bak' 


using System; 
using System.Configuration; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common; 
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo; 

namespace BackupApplication 
    class DatabaseBackup 
     public void DoDataBaseBackup() 
      string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ToString(); 
      SqlConnection connecton = new SqlConnection(connectionString); 
      ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection(connecton); 
      Server myServer = new Server(serverConnection); 

      //Using windows authentication     

      Database myDatabase = myServer.Databases[ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseNameToBackup"]]; 

      //Backup operation 
      Backup bkpDBFull = new Backup(); 
      /* Specify whether you want to back up database or files or log */ 
      bkpDBFull.Action = BackupActionType.Database; 

      /* Specify the name of the database to back up */ 
      bkpDBFull.Database = myDatabase.Name; 

      /* You can take backup on several media type (disk or tape), here I am 
      * using File type and storing backup on the file system */ 
      string destinationFolderForDatabase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DestinationFolderForDatabase"]; 
      bkpDBFull.Devices.AddDevice(destinationFolderForDatabase, DeviceType.File); 
      bkpDBFull.BackupSetName = "Test database Backup"; 
      bkpDBFull.BackupSetDescription = "test database - Full Backup"; 

      /* You can specify the expiration date for your backup data 
      * after that date backup data would not be relevant */ 
      bkpDBFull.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(10); 

      /* You can specify Initialize = false (default) to create a new 
      * backup set which will be appended as last backup set on the media. You 
      * can specify Initialize = true to make the backup as first set on the 
      * medium and to overwrite any other existing backup sets if the all the 
      * backup sets have expired and specified backup set name matches with 
      * the name on the medium */ 
      bkpDBFull.Initialize = false; 

      /* You can specify Incremental = false (default) to perform full backup or Incremental = true to perform differential backup since most recent full backup */ 
      bkpDBFull.Incremental = false; 

      /* Wiring up events for progress monitoring */ 
      bkpDBFull.PercentComplete += CompletionStatusInPercent; 
      bkpDBFull.Complete += Backup_Completed; 

      /* SqlBackup method starts to take back up 
      * You can also use SqlBackupAsync method to perform the backup 
      * operation asynchronously */ 

      if (myServer.ConnectionContext.IsOpen) 

     private void Backup_Completed(object sender, ServerMessageEventArgs e) 
      Console.WriteLine("TestDatabase Backup Completed."); 

     private void CompletionStatusInPercent(object sender, PercentCompleteEventArgs e) 
      Console.WriteLine("Percent completed: {0}%.", e.Percent); 


using System; 

namespace BackupApplication 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      DatabaseBackup databaseBackup = new DatabaseBackup(); 


    <add name="TestDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI"/> 
    <add key="DestinationFolderForDatabase" value="C:\Test.bak"/> 
    <add key="DatabaseNameToBackup" value="Test"/> 

你是什麼意思'.bak是否驗證? – LONG


_「我在等待一些代碼示例。」 - 嗯,這裏有一些帶有示例的文檔。 [Restore.SqlVerify](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms209758.aspx)有一個_「如何創建備份並驗證它是否可讀且完整。」的樣本,儘管你可能想使用[超載,返回錯誤消息](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms209837.aspx) – stuartd


一旦備份完成創建一個「恢復」,並驗證同樣的'BackupDeviceItem'用於創建備份。 – Nkosi




using System; 
using System.Configuration; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common; 
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo; 

namespace BackupApplication 
    class DatabaseBackup 
     public void DoDataBaseBackup() 
      string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ToString(); 
      SqlConnection connecton = new SqlConnection(connectionString); 
      ServerConnection serverConnection = new ServerConnection(connecton); 
      Server myServer = new Server(serverConnection); 

      //Using windows authentication     

      Database myDatabase = myServer.Databases[ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseNameToBackup"]]; 

      //Backup operation 
      Backup bkpDBFull = new Backup(); 
      /* Specify whether you want to back up database or files or log */ 
      bkpDBFull.Action = BackupActionType.Database; 

      /* Specify the name of the database to back up */ 
      bkpDBFull.Database = myDatabase.Name; 

      /* You can take backup on several media type (disk or tape), here I am 
      * using File type and storing backup on the file system */ 
      string destinationFolderForDatabase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DestinationFolderForDatabase"]; 
      bkpDBFull.Devices.AddDevice(destinationFolderForDatabase, DeviceType.File); 
      bkpDBFull.BackupSetName = "Test database Backup"; 
      bkpDBFull.BackupSetDescription = "test database - Full Backup"; 

      /* You can specify the expiration date for your backup data 
      * after that date backup data would not be relevant */ 
      bkpDBFull.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(10); 

      /* You can specify Initialize = false (default) to create a new 
      * backup set which will be appended as last backup set on the media. You 
      * can specify Initialize = true to make the backup as first set on the 
      * medium and to overwrite any other existing backup sets if the all the 
      * backup sets have expired and specified backup set name matches with 
      * the name on the medium */ 
      bkpDBFull.Initialize = false; 

      /* You can specify Incremental = false (default) to perform full backup or Incremental = true to perform differential backup since most recent full backup */ 
      bkpDBFull.Incremental = false; 

      /* Wiring up events for progress monitoring */ 
      bkpDBFull.PercentComplete += CompletionStatusInPercent; 
      bkpDBFull.Complete += Backup_Completed; 

      /* SqlBackup method starts to take back up 
      * You can also use SqlBackupAsync method to perform the backup 
      * operation asynchronously */ 

    Restore restore = new Restore(); 
    restore.Devices.AddDevice(@"C:\Test.bak", DeviceType.File); 
    restore.Database = "Test2012"; 
      if (myServer.ConnectionContext.IsOpen) 

     private void Backup_Completed(object sender, ServerMessageEventArgs e) 
      Console.WriteLine("TestDatabase Backup Completed."); 

     private void CompletionStatusInPercent(object sender, PercentCompleteEventArgs e) 
      Console.WriteLine("Percent completed: {0}%.", e.Percent); 

驗證可以指各種事物;您的特定答案和代碼示例取決於您想要的方式。 這裏有幾種方法:

  1. 使用System.IO並檢查文件是否存在。
  2. SMO可以利用與SqlVerify
  3. SQL客戶端可以使用還原驗證return value from Sql Server system message