2013-03-11 87 views





1:-Open report and in Report inspector right click and select "Add Report Group" 

2:-Give any name (eg. splitter) and 
    select "Group by the following expression" and enter 
      $V{REPORT_COUNT} - 1 - (($V{REPORT_COUNT} - 1) % 3). 
    (here 3 means 3 bars in a page) 

Click next and select Add the group footer. 

3:- Open palette and drag and drop a chart element from the Palette into 
    the report designer on the group footer band. 

4:- Select Bar Chart, follow the wizard: 
    a:- "Reset type" = Group 

    b:- "Reset group" = splitter 
       (same name what you gave at the time of Report data set creation) 

    c:- add series in Details tab. 


enter image description here


嘿老兄THX,thts正是我一直在尋找。 – swapy 2013-03-13 04:54:53


如果條形圖帶有系列,這將如何工作? – Vaibhav 2013-07-31 11:28:35


這也適用於帶有系列的條形圖,試試吧。 – Sharad 2013-08-01 04:24:03