- 我在正確的軌道上還是有更好的方法嗎?
- 爲什麼在解壓縮步驟中LZW算法會添加到字典中?我可以省略,還是會在字典中失去效率?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Book.Core
public class Huffman16
private readonly double log2 = Math.Log(2);
private List<Node> HuffmanTree = new List<Node>();
internal class Node
public long Frequency { get; set; }
public byte Uncoded0 { get; set; }
public byte Uncoded1 { get; set; }
public uint Coded { get; set; }
public int CodeLength { get; set; }
public Node Left { get; set; }
public Node Right { get; set; }
public bool IsLeaf
get { return Left == null; }
public override string ToString()
var coded = "00000000" + Convert.ToString(Coded, 2);
return string.Format("Uncoded={0}, Coded={1}, Frequency={2}", (Uncoded1 << 8) | Uncoded0, coded.Substring(coded.Length - CodeLength), Frequency);
public Huffman16(long[] frequencies)
if (frequencies.Length != ushort.MaxValue + 1)
throw new ArgumentException("frequencies.Length must equal " + ushort.MaxValue + 1);
EncodeTree(HuffmanTree[HuffmanTree.Count - 1], 0, 0);
public static long[] GetFrequencies(byte[] sampleData, bool safe)
if (sampleData.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("sampleData.Length must be a multiple of 2.");
var histogram = new long[ushort.MaxValue + 1];
if (safe)
for (int i = 0; i <= ushort.MaxValue; i++)
histogram[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sampleData.Length; i += 2)
histogram[(sampleData[i] << 8) | sampleData[i + 1]] += 1000;
return histogram;
public byte[] Encode(byte[] plainData)
if (plainData.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("plainData.Length must be a multiple of 2.");
Int64 iBuffer = 0;
int iBufferCount = 0;
using (MemoryStream msEncodedOutput = new MemoryStream())
//Write Final Output Size 1st
msEncodedOutput.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(plainData.Length), 0, 4);
//Begin Writing Encoded Data Stream
iBuffer = 0;
iBufferCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < plainData.Length; i += 2)
Node FoundLeaf = HuffmanTree[(plainData[i] << 8) | plainData[i + 1]];
//How many bits are we adding?
iBufferCount += FoundLeaf.CodeLength;
//Shift the buffer
iBuffer = (iBuffer << FoundLeaf.CodeLength) | FoundLeaf.Coded;
//Are there at least 8 bits in the buffer?
while (iBufferCount > 7)
//Write to output
int iBufferOutput = (int)(iBuffer >> (iBufferCount - 8));
iBufferCount = iBufferCount - 8;
iBufferOutput <<= iBufferCount;
iBuffer ^= iBufferOutput;
//Write remaining bits in buffer
if (iBufferCount > 0)
iBuffer = iBuffer << (8 - iBufferCount);
return msEncodedOutput.ToArray();
public byte[] Decode(byte[] bInput)
long iInputBuffer = 0;
int iBytesWritten = 0;
//Establish Output Buffer to write unencoded data to
byte[] bDecodedOutput = new byte[BitConverter.ToInt32(bInput, 0)];
var current = HuffmanTree[HuffmanTree.Count - 1];
//Begin Looping through Input and Decoding
iInputBuffer = 0;
for (int i = 4; i < bInput.Length; i++)
iInputBuffer = bInput[i];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
if ((iInputBuffer & 128) == 0)
current = current.Left;
current = current.Right;
if (current.IsLeaf)
bDecodedOutput[iBytesWritten++] = current.Uncoded1;
bDecodedOutput[iBytesWritten++] = current.Uncoded0;
if (iBytesWritten == bDecodedOutput.Length)
return bDecodedOutput;
current = HuffmanTree[HuffmanTree.Count - 1];
iInputBuffer <<= 1;
throw new Exception();
private static void EncodeTree(Node node, int depth, uint value)
if (node != null)
if (node.IsLeaf)
node.CodeLength = depth;
node.Coded = value;
value <<= 1;
EncodeTree(node.Left, depth, value);
EncodeTree(node.Right, depth, value | 1);
private void BuildTree(long[] frequencies)
var tiny = 0.1/ushort.MaxValue;
var fraction = 0.0;
SortedDictionary<double, Node> trees = new SortedDictionary<double, Node>();
for (int i = 0; i <= ushort.MaxValue; i++)
var leaf = new Node()
Uncoded1 = (byte)(i >> 8),
Uncoded0 = (byte)(i & 255),
Frequency = frequencies[i]
if (leaf.Frequency > 0)
trees.Add(leaf.Frequency + (fraction += tiny), leaf);
while (trees.Count > 1)
var e = trees.GetEnumerator();
var first = e.Current;
var second = e.Current;
//Join smallest two nodes
var NewParent = new Node();
NewParent.Frequency = first.Value.Frequency + second.Value.Frequency;
NewParent.Left = first.Value;
NewParent.Right = second.Value;
//Remove the two that just got joined into one
trees.Add(NewParent.Frequency + (fraction += tiny), NewParent);
var freqs = Huffman16.GetFrequencies(File.ReadAllBytes(@"D:\nodes"), true);
var huff = new Huffman16(freqs);
var encoded = huff.Encode(raw);
var raw = huff.Decode(encoded);
你的塊一直大小? – user57368 2009-07-02 03:11:57
此外,我已經RAR了一個樣本數據文件,並確認數據是高度可壓縮的(〜9倍壓縮比)。 – Fantius 2009-07-02 03:16:11
不,它們的大小並不一致。 – Fantius 2009-07-02 03:16:41